--Sorry Alan I'm getting my Vicenza"s mixed up with my
Venezia"s! It mentions a film festival of the First
World war which made me think of the venice film 
festival? Or is that a figment of my fevered
imagination also?

Techniqe and size free. Deadline 30th Sept. 2004
Exposition from Oct 14th. to Nov. 14th by the museum
of the Risorgimento and the Resistance in Vicenza.

Address for sending-
Progetto mail Art
Museo del Risorgimento
e della Resistenza
Viale X Giugno, 115
36100 Vicenza, Italia

all the best, Michael

- Alan Bowman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >  Does
> > Bowman know anyhting about this I wonder?
> nope!
> but i have been to vicenza a few times, it's very
> nice.  they filmed an
> episode of inspectore morse there you know....
> tell me more about the show, i might even try and
> get there - if the heat
> eases a bit that is
> alaqn

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