After I installed FCPackage-2.1, I think that as I had read elsewhere that: "fc-cache" failed to recognize gzipped PCF fonts.

When I ran it yesterday after adding additional Type 1 fonts to my: "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/" directory and it found all of the: "*.pcf.gz" font files in the subdirectories of: "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/".

However, despite the fact that I added:


to the: "/etc/fonts.conf" file, it will not find the three: "*.pcf.gz" font files in that directory. It will, however, find them if I gunzip them.

I am somewhat confused. :-|

Does any of this depend on stuff in GNOME-2? I have been installing it from source and built a few more packages last week.


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