>>> Victor wrote:
>Jeremias wrote:
>> AFAIK Mark Lillywhite was never a committer, only a

>> contributor. He
>> helped improve speed and memory consumption back 
>> during his active times.
>> Unfortunately, he didn't stay long enough to get
>> nominated.


>BTW, what triggered this was my transfer of the last
>batch of "resolved"
>style issues to the web page, which included a
>provision to remove personal
>attributions within source code. I want to make sure
>that we don't just
>erase the memory of the people at the same time.
>Victor Mote


Rather than burden the team page with the name of each
person who has contributed source code to FOP, I think
it would be better for us to continue to keep their
names in the source file, albeit outside of the
@author attribute tag.

I had understood the vote as for us not using the
@author attribution for source files--in short, that
our FOP JavaDoc won't be listing individual committer
and contributor names.  That's a clean design for our
JavaDocs, which I agreed with. 

But even though the vote was probably to remove *all*
author comments, @author or not (which is also fine,
after all, the committers themselves rarely put their
names on any files), it was not "to remove all author
credits *and* add them to the team page."  

Indeed, I don't know of any other Apache group that
maintains a "former contributors" section instead of
comments in the source files--and I'm reluctant for us
to open that can of worms--especially as this will
soon grow to dozens of names (look at the AWT classes,
for example).

Simple non-JavaDoc comments near the top of a source
file that indicate its original contributor are not
that bad, actually the right thing to do.  (It's also
what jfor apparently does--see the Team section at:
http://www.jfor.org/)  In those cases where we're
concerned about the contributor's work getting
"erased", then this is probably the cleaner route.


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