pbwest      2002/06/21 23:07:51

  Added:       docs/design/alt.design intro.xml
  Intro and index
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  xml-fop/docs/design/alt.design/intro.xml
  Index: intro.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
  <!DOCTYPE document SYSTEM "../../xml-docs/dtd/document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- $Id: intro.xml,v 1.1 2002/06/22 06:07:51 pbwest Exp $ -->
      <title>FOP Alternative Design</title>
      <subtitle>Alternative Design Approach to FOP</subtitle>
      <version>$Revision: 1.1 $ $Name:  $</version>
        <person name="Peter B. West" email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"/>
      <s1 title="Alternative Design">
        This section of the FOP web site contains notes on approaches
        to an alternative design for FOP.  The individual documents
        here are fragmentary, being notes of particular issues,
        without an overall framework as yet.
        The main aims of this redesign effort are:
        <li>full conformance with the Recommendation</li>
        <li>increased performance</li>
        <li>reduced memory footprint</li>
        <li>no limitation on the size of files</li>
        In order to achieve these aims, the primary areas
        of design interest are:
          Representing properties, for most purposes, as integers.
          Distributing FOP processing over a number of threads with
          single-point downstream communication and flow control by
          means of traditional producer/consumer queues.  The threads
          so far under consideration are:
            <li>XML parser</li>
            <li>FO tree builder</li>
            <li>layout engine</li>
            <li>Area tree builder</li>
          Representing trees with explicit Tree objects, rather than
          as implicit relationships among other objects.
          Caching integrated into the tree node access methods.
        <s2 title="Status and availability">
          The <em>ALT DESIGN</em> effort is not taking place on the
          main line of development, represented by the <em>HEAD</em>
          tag on the CVS trunk.  The source is available via the
          FOP_0-20-0_Alt-Design tag.  This code has only a crude,
          non-<em>Ant</em> build environment, and is expected only to
          compile at this stage.  Only the parser stage and the first
          stage of FO tree building is present.  However, the first
          example of producer/consumer binding is working, the Tree
          class with inner Tree.Node and inner
          Tree.Node.<em>iterators</em> classes are available and
          working.  Property handling is quite advanced, and is likely
          to be almost complete some time in July, 2002.
          Only <link href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";>Peter
          West</link> is working on the ALT DESIGN sub-project.

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