pbwest      02/04/28 06:27:44

  Added:       docs/design/alt.design keeps.xml spaces.xml
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  1.1                  xml-fop/docs/design/alt.design/keeps.xml
  Index: keeps.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  <!-- $Id: keeps.xml,v 1.1 2002/04/28 13:27:44 pbwest Exp $ -->
  <!DOCTYPE document SYSTEM "../../xml-docs/dtd/document-v10.dtd">
      <title>Keeps and breaks</title>
        <person name="Peter B. West" email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"/>
      <!-- one of (anchor s1) -->
      <s1 title="Keeps and breaks in layout galleys">
        The <link href= "galleys.html" >layout galleys</link> and the
        <link href= "galleys.html#layout-tree" >layout tree</link>
        which is their context have been discussed elsewhere.  Here we
        discuss a possible method of implementing keeps and breaks
        within the context of layout galleys and the layout tree.
        <s2 title="Breaks">
          Breaks may be handled by inserting a column- or page-break
          pseudo-object into the galley stream.  For break-before, the
          object would be inserted before the area in which the flow
          object, to which the property is attached, is leading.  If
          the flow object is leading in no ancestor context, the
          pseudo-object is inserted before the object itself.
          Corresponding considerations apply for break-after.
          Selection of the position for these objects will be further
          examined in the discussion on keeps. 
        <s2 title="Keeps">
          Conceptually, all keeps can be represented by a
          keep-together pseudo-area.  The keep-together property
          itself is expressed during layout by wrapping all of the
          generated areas in a keep-together area.  Keep-with-previous
          on formatting object A becomes a keep-together area spanning
          the first non-blank normal area leaf node, L, generated by A
          or its offspring, and the last non-blank normal area leaf
          node preceding L in the area tree.  Likewise, keep-with-next
          on formatting object A becomes a keep-together area spanning
          the last non-blank normal area leaf node, L, generated by A
          or its offspring, and the first non-blank normal area leaf
          node following L in the area tree.
          <br/>TODO REWORK THIS for block vs inline
          The obvious problem with this arrangement is that the
          keep-together area violate the hierarachical arrangement of
          the layout tree.  They form a concurrent structure focussed
          on the leaf nodes.  This seems to be the essential problem
          of handling keep-with-(previous/next); that it cuts across
          the otherwise tree-structured flow of processing.  Such
          problems are endemic in page layout.
          In any case, it seems that the relationships between areas
          that are of interest in keep processing need some form of
          direct expression, parallel to the layout tree itself.
          Restricting ourselves too block-level elements, and looking
          only at the simple block stacking cases, we get a diagram
          like the attached PNG.  In order to track the relationships
          through the tree, we need four sets of links.
          <strong>Figure 1</strong>
        <anchor id="Figure1"/>
        <figure src="block-stacking.png" alt="Simple block-stacking
          The three basic links are:
          <!-- one of (dl sl ul ol li) -->
          <li>Leading edge to leading edge of first normal child.</li>
          <li>Trailing edge to leading edge of next normal
          <li>Trailing edge to trailing edge of parent.</li>
          Superimposed on the basic links are bridging links which
          span adjacent sets of links.  These spanning links are the
          tree violators, and give direct access to the areas which
          are of interest in keep processing. They could be
          implemented as double-linked lists, either within the layout
          tree nodes or as separate structures.  Gaps in the spanning
          links are joined by simply reproducing the single links, as
          in the diagram. The whole layout tree for a page is
          effectively threaded in order of interest, as far as keeps
          are concerned.
          The bonus of this structure is that it looks like a superset
          of the stacking constraints.  It gives direct access to all
          sets of adjacent edges and sets of edges whose space
          specifiers need to be resolved. Fences can be easily enough
          detected during the process of space resolution.
  1.1                  xml-fop/docs/design/alt.design/spaces.xml
  Index: spaces.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  <!-- $Id: spaces.xml,v 1.1 2002/04/28 13:27:44 pbwest Exp $ -->
  <!DOCTYPE document SYSTEM "../../xml-docs/dtd/document-v10.dtd">
      <title>Keeps and space-specifiers</title>
        <person name="Peter B. West" email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"/>
      <!-- one of (anchor s1) -->
      <s1 title="Keeps and space-specifiers in layout galleys">
        The <link href= "galleys.html" >layout galleys</link> and the
        <link href= "galleys.html#layout-tree" >layout tree</link>
        which is the context of this discussion have been discussed
        elsewhere.  A <link href="keeps.html">previous document</link>
        discussed data structures which might facilitate the lining of
        blocks necessary to implement keeps.  Here we discuss the
        similarities between the keep data structures and those
        required to implement space-specifier resolution.
        <s2 title="Space-specifiers">
          <strong>4.3 Spaces and Conditionality</strong>
          ... Space-specifiers occurring in sequence may interact with
          each other. The constraint imposed by a sequence of
          space-specifiers is computed by calculating for each
          space-specifier its associated resolved space-specifier in
          accordance with their conditionality and precedence.
          4.2.5 Stacking Constraints ... The intention of the
          definitions is to identify areas at any level of the tree
          which have only space between them.
          The quotations above are pivotal to understanding the
          complex discussion of spaces with which they are associated,
          all of which exists to enable the resolution of adjacent
          &lt;space&gt;s.  It may be helpful to think of <em>stacking
          constraints</em> as <em>&lt;space&gt;s interaction</em> or
          <em>&lt;space&gt;s stacking interaction</em>.
        <s2 title="Block stacking constraints">
          In the discussion of block stacking constraints in Section
          4.2.5, the notion of <em>fence</em> is introduced.  For
          block stacking constraints, a fence is defined as either a
          reference-area boundary or a non-zero padding or border
          specification.  Fences, however, do not come into play
          when determining the constraint between siblings.  (See
          <link href="#Figure1">Figure 1</link>.)
        <p><strong>Figure 1</strong></p><anchor id="Figure1"/>
        <figure src="block-stacking-constraints.png"
          Figure 1 assumes a block-progression-direction of top to
          In <link href="#Figure1">Diagram a)</link>, block A has
          non-zero padding and borders, in addition to non-zero
          spaces.  Note, however, that the space-after of A is
          adjacent to the space-before of block P, so borders and
          padding on these siblings have no impact on the interaction
          of their &lt;space&gt;s.  The stacking constraint A,P is
          indicated by the red rectangle enclosing the space-after of
          A and the space-before of P.
          In <link href="#Figure1">Diagram b)</link>, block B is the
          first block child of P.  The stacking constraint A,P is as
          before; the stacking constraint P,B is the space-before of
          B, as indicated by the enclosing magenta rectangle.  In this
          case, however, the non-zero border of P prevents the
          interaction of the A,P and P,B stacking constraints.  There
          is a <em>fence-before</em> P.  The fence is notional; it has
          no precise location, as the diagram may lead one to believe.
          In <link href="#Figure1">Diagram c)</link>, because of the
          zero-width borders and padding on block P, the fence-before
          P is not present, and the adjacent &lt;space&gt;s of blocks
          A, P and B are free to interact.  In this case, the stacking
          constraints A,P and P,B are as before, but now there is an
          additional stacking constraint A,B, represented by the light
          brown rectangle enclosing the other two stacking
          The other form of fence occurs when the parent block is a
          reference area.  Diagram b) of <link href="#Figure2">Figure
          2</link> illustrates this situation.  Block C is a
          reference-area, involving a 180 degree change of
          block-progression-direction (BPD).  In the diagram, the
          inner edge of block C represents the content rectangle, with
          its changed BPD.  The thicker outer edge represents the
          outer boundary of the padding, border and spaces of C.
          While not every reference-area will change the
          inline-progression-direction (IPD) and BPD of an area, no
          attempt is made to discriminate these cases.  A
          reference-area always a fence.  The fence comes into play in
          analogous circumstances to non-zero borders or padding.
          Space resolution between a reference area and its siblings
          is not affected.
          In the case of <link href="#Figure2">Diagram b)</link>,
          these are block stacking constraints B,C and C,A.  Within
          the reference-area, bock stacing constraints C,D and E,C are
          unaffected.  However, the fence prevents block stacking
          constraints such as B,E or D,A.  When there is a change of
          BPD, as <link href="#Figure2">Diagram b)</link> makes
          visually obvious, it is difficult to imagine which blocks
          would have such a constraint, and what the ordering of the
          constraint would be.
        <p><strong>Figure 2</strong></p>
        <anchor id="Figure2"/>
        <figure src="block-stacking-keeps.png"
        <s2 title="Keep relationships between blocks">
          As complicated as space-specifiers become when
          reference-areas are involved, the keep relationships as
          described in the <link
          href="keeps.html#Figure1">keeps</link> document, are
          unchanged.  This is also illustrated in <link
          href="#Figure2">Figure 2</link>.  Diagram b) shows the
          relative placement of blocks in the rendered output when a
          180 degree change of BPD occurs, with blocks D and E
          stacking in the reverse direction to blocks B and C.
          Diagram c) shows what happens when the page is too short to
          accommodate the last block.  D is still laid out, but E is
          deferred to the next page.
          Note that this rendering reality is expressed directly in
          the area (and layout) tree view.  Consequently, any keep
          relationships expressed as links threading through the
          layout tree will not need to be modified to account for
          reference-area boundaries, as is the case with similar
          space-specifier edge links.  E.g., a keep-with-next
          condition on block B can be resolved along the path of these
          links (B->C->D) into a direct relationship of B->D,
          irrespective of the reference-area boundary.
          While the same relationships obviously hold when a reference
          area induces no change of BPD, the situation for BPD changes
          perpendicular to the parent's BPD may not be so clear.  In
          general, it probably does not make much sense to impose keep
          conditions across such a boundary, but there seems to be
          nothing preventing such conditions.  They can be dealt with
          in the same way, i.e., the next leaf block linked in area
          tree order must be the next laid out.  If a keep condition
          is in place, an attempt must be made to meet it.  A number
          of unusual considerations would apply, e.g. the minimum
          inline-progression-dimension of the first leaf block within
          the reference-area as compared to the minimum IPD of
          subsequent blocks, but <em>prima facie</em>, the essential
          logic of the keeps links remains.

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