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        <h1>Implementing Pull Parsing</h1>
          <font size="-2">by Peter B. West</font>
        <ul class="minitoc">
            <a href="#An+alternative+parsing+methodology">An alternative
              parsing methodology</a>
            <ul class="minitoc">
                <a href="#Structure+of+SAX+parsing">Structure of SAX parsing</a>
                <a href="#Cluttered+callbacks">Cluttered callbacks</a>
                <a href="#From+">From push to pull parsing</a>
                <a href="#FoXMLEvent+me%5Bthods">FoXMLEvent me[thods</a>
                <a href="#FOP+modularisation">FOP modularisation</a>
        <a name="N101C5"></a><a name="An+alternative+parsing+methodology"></a>
        <h3>An alternative parsing methodology</h3>
        <div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
            This note proposes an alternative method of integrating the
            output of the SAX parsing of the Flow Object (FO) tree into
            FOP processing.  The pupose of the proposed changes is to
            provide for:
              better decomposition of FOP into processing phases
              top-down FO tree building, providing
              integrated validation of FO tree input.
          <a name="N101DA"></a><a name="Structure+of+SAX+parsing"></a>
          <h4>Structure of SAX parsing</h4>
          <div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
              Figure 1 is a schematic representation of the process of
              SAX parsing of an input source.  SAX parsing involves the
              registration, with an object implementing the <span
              class="codefrag">XMLReader</span> interface, of a <span
              class="codefrag">ContentHandler</span> which contains a
              callback routine for each of the event types encountered
              by the parser, e.g., <span
              class="codefrag">startDocument()</span>, <span
              class="codefrag">startElement()</span>, <span
              class="codefrag">characters()</span>, <span
              class="codefrag">endElement()</span> and <span
              class="codefrag">endDocument()</span>.  Parsing is
              initiated by a call to the <span
              class="codefrag">parser()</span> method of the <span
              class="codefrag">XMLReader</span>.  Note that the call to
              <span class="codefrag">parser()</span> and the calls to
              individual callback methods are synchronous: <span
              class="codefrag">parser()</span> will only return when the
              last callback method returns, and each callback must
              complete before the next is called.<br/> <br/>
              <strong>Figure 1</strong>
            <div align="center">
              <img class="figure" alt="SAX parsing schematic"
                   src="images/design/alt.design/SAXParsing.png" /></div>
              In the process of parsing, the hierarchical structure of the
              original FO tree is flattened into a number of streams of
              events of the same type which are reported in the sequence
              in which they are encountered.  Apart from that, the API
              imposes no structure or constraint which expresses the
              relationship between, e.g., a startElement event and the
              endElement event for the same element.  To the extent that
              such relationship information is required, it must be
              managed by the callback routines.
              The most direct approach here is to build the tree
              "invisibly"; to bury within the callback routines the
              necessary code to construct the tree.  In the simplest
              case, the whole of the FO tree is built within the call
              to <span class="codefrag">parser()</span>, and that
              in-memory tree is subsequently processed to (a) validate
              the FO structure, and (b) construct the Area tree.  The
              problem with this approach is the potential size of the
              FO tree in memory.  FOP has suffered from this problem
              in the past.
          <a name="N10218"></a><a name="Cluttered+callbacks"></a>
          <h4>Cluttered callbacks</h4>
          <div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
              On the other hand, the callback code may become
              increasingly complex as tree validation and the triggering
              of the Area tree processing and subsequent rendering is
              moved into the callbacks, typically the <span
              class="codefrag">endElement()</span> method.  In order to
              overcome acute memory problems, the FOP code was recently
              modified in this way, to trigger Area tree building and
              rendering in the <span
              class="codefrag">endElement()</span> method, when the end
              of a page-sequence was detected.
              The drawback with such a method is that it becomes difficult
              to detemine the order of events and the circumstances in
              which any particular processing events are triggered.  When
              the processing events are inherently self-contained, this is
              irrelevant.  But the more complex and context-dependent the
              relationships are among the processing elements, the more
              obscurity is engendered in the code by such "side-effect"
          <a name="N1022B"></a><a name="From+"></a>
          <h4>From push to pull parsing</h4>
          <div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
              In order to solve the simultaneous problems of exposing
              the structure of the processing and minimising in-memory
              requirements, the experimental code separates the
              parsing of the input source from the building of the FO
              tree and all downstream processing.  The callback
              routines become minimal, consisting of the creation and
              buffering of <span class="codefrag">XMLEvent</span>
              objects as a <em>producer</em>.  All of these objects
              are effectively merged into a single event stream, in
              strict event order, for subsequent access by the FO tree
              building process, acting as a <em>consumer</em>.  This,
              essentially, is the difference between <em>push</em> and
              <em>pull</em> parsing.  In itself, this does not reduce
              the footprint.  This occurs when the approach is
              generalised to modularise FOP processing.<br/> <br/>
              <strong>Figure 2</strong>
            <div align="center">
              <img class="figure" alt="XML event buffer"
                   src="images/design/alt.design/pull-parsing.png" /></div>
              The most useful change that this brings about is the switch
              from <em>passive</em> to <em>active</em> XML element
              processing.  The process of parsing now becomes visible to
              the controlling process.  All local validation requirements,
              all object and data structure building, are initiated by the
              process(es) <em>get</em>ting from the queue - in the case
              above, the FO tree builder.
          <a name="N10260"></a><a name="FoXMLEvent+methods"></a>
          <h4>FoXMLEvent methods</h4>
          <div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
            <a name="FoXMLEvent-methods"></a>
              The experimental code uses a class <span id = "span00"
              /><span class = "codefrag" ><a
              href="javascript:toggleCode( 'span00',
              'FoXMLEvent.html#FoXMLEventClass', '400', '100%'
              )">FoXMLEvent</a></span > to provide the objects which are
              placed in the queue.  <em>FoXMLEvent</em> includes a
              variety of methods to access elements in the queue.
              Namespace URIs encountered in parsing are maintained in an
              <span id = "span01" /><span class="codefrag"><a
              href="javascript:toggleCode( 'span01',
              'XMLNamespaces.html#XMLNamespacesClass', '400', '100%'
              )">XMLNamespaces</a></span> object where they are
              associated with a unique integer index.  This integer
              value is used in the signature of some of the access
              The class which manages the buffer is <span id = "span02"
              /><span class = "codefrag" ><a href =
              "javascript:toggleCode( 'span02',
              '400', '100%' )" >SyncedFoXmlEventsBuffer</a>.</span >
                <span id = "span03" /><a href="javascript:toggleCode(
                'span03', 'SyncedFoXmlEventsBuffer.html#getEvent',
                '400', '100%' )">FoXMLEvent
                getEvent(SyncedCircularBuffer events)</a>
                This is the basis of all of the queue access methods.  It
                returns the next element from the queue, which may be a
                pushback element.
                <span id = "span04" /><a href="javascript:toggleCode(
                'span04', 'SyncedFoXmlEventsBuffer.html#getTypedEvent',
                '400', '100%' )">FoXMLEvent getTypedEvent()</a>
                A series of these methods provide for the recovery only
                of events of a particular event type, and possibly other
                specific characteristics.  <em>Get</em> methods discard
                input which does not meet the requirements.  E.g.
                    <span id = "span040" /><a
                    href="javascript:toggleCode( 'span040',
                    '400', '100%' )">FoXMLEvent getEndDocument()</a>
                    Discard input until and EndDocument event occurs.
                    Return this event.
                    <span id = "span041" /><a
                    href="javascript:toggleCode( 'span041',
                    '400', '100%' )">FoXMLEvent getStartElement()</a>
                    A series of <span class = "codefrag"
                    >getStartElement</span > methods provide for
                    discarding input until a StartElement event of the
                    appropriate type occurs.  This event is returned.
                    This series of methods includes some which accept a
                    list of Element specifiers.
                <span id = "span05" /><a href="javascript:toggleCode(
                'SyncedFoXmlEventsBuffer.html#expectTypedEvent', '400',
                '100%' )">FoXMLEvent expectTypedEvent()</a>
                A series of these methods provide for the recovery only
                of events of a particular event type, and possibly other
                specific characteristics.  <em>Expect</em> methods throw
                an exception on input which does not meet the
                requirements.  <em>Expect</em> methods generally take a
                <span class = "codefrag" >boolean</span> argument
                specifying whitespace treatment.  Examples include:
                    <span id = "span050" /><a
                    href="javascript:toggleCode( 'span050',
                    '400', '100%' )">FoXMLEvent expectEndDocument()</a>
                    Expect an EndDocument event. Return this event.
                    <span id = "span051" /><a
                    href="javascript:toggleCode( 'span051',
                    '400', '100%' )">FoXMLEvent expectStartElement()</a>
                    A series of <span class = "codefrag"
                    >expectStartElement</span > methods provide for
                    examinging the pending input for a StartElement
                    event of the appropriate type.  This event is
                    returned.  This series of methods includes some
                    which accept a list of Element specifiers.
          <a name="N102FE"></a><a name="FOP+modularisation"></a>
          <h4>FOP modularisation</h4>
          <div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
              This same principle can be extended to the other major
              sub-systems of FOP processing.  In each case, while it is
              possible to hold a complete intermediate result in memory,
              the memory costs of that approach are too high.  The
              sub-systems - xml parsing, FO tree construction, Area tree
              construction and rendering - must run in parallel if the
              footprint is to be kept manageable.  By creating a series of
              producer-consumer pairs linked by synchronized buffers,
              logical isolation can be achieved while rates of processing
              remain coupled.  By introducing feedback loops conveying
              information about the completion of processing of the
              elements, sub-systems can dispose of or precis those
              elements without having to be tightly coupled to downstream
              <strong>Figure 3</strong>
            <div align="center">
              <img class="figure" alt="FOP modularisation"
                   src="images/design/alt.design/processPlumbing.png" />
              In the case of communication between the FO tree
              building process and the layout process, feedback is
              required in order to parse expressions containing
              lengths expressed as a percentage of some enclosing
              area.  This communication is incorporated within the
              general model of inter-phase communication discussed above.
              <strong>Figure 4</strong>
            <div align="center">
              <img class="figure" alt="FO - layout interaction"
                   src="images/design/alt.design/fo-layout-interaction.png" />

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