*** shadow/2429 Tue Jul  3 00:26:23 2001
--- shadow/2429.tmp.3901        Tue Jul  3 00:26:23 2001
*** 0 ****
--- 1,39 ----
+ +============================================================================+
+ | Incorrect handeling of fo:leader attribute leader-pattern                  |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ |        Bug #: 2429                        Product: Fop                     |
+ |       Status: NEW                         Version: all                     |
+ |   Resolution:                            Platform: All                     |
+ |     Severity: Normal                   OS/Version: Linux                   |
+ |     Priority: Other                     Component: pdf renderer            |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ |  Assigned To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                       |
+ |  Reported By: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                   |
+ |      CC list: Cc:                                                          |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ |          URL:                                                              |
+ +============================================================================+
+ |                              DESCRIPTION                                   |
+ Using the XSL 1.40 stylesheets for the XML DocBook XML DTD 4.1.2 to generate 
+ TOC gives the following 
+   correct fo code
+      <fo:block text-align-last="justify" end-indent="2pc" last-line-end-
+ indent="-2pc">
+         <fo:inline keep-with-next.within-line="always">3.5 Graphics</fo:inline>
+         <fo:inline keep-together.within-line="always">
+            <fo:leader leader-pattern="dots" keep-with-next.within-
+ line="always"/>
+            <fo:basic-link internal-destination="v4s1-spsa-gr">
+               <fo:page-number-citation ref-id="v4s1-spsa-gr"/>
+            </fo:basic-link>
+         </fo:inline>
+      </fo:block>
+ Running this through FOP 0.19.0 result in
+    3.5                  Graphics                    xx
+ instead of
+    3.5 Graphics ................................... xx

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