On Sat, 11 Aug 2001 00:43:35 Randall Parker wrote:
> I want to use the latest nightlies of both FOP and Batik. I see that in
> the released version of FOP there is 
> just a single consolidated batik.jar. But if one builds the latest
> nightlies for Batik (or at least 2 nights ago) 
> one sees all the files below. I have a few questions:
> 1) Should one use all the jar files in latest\xml-batik\batik-1.1 and
> latest\xml-batik\batik1.1\lib in one's 
> path with FOP?

All you need is the jar file from the "all-jar" target for the batik jars.
As for the other jars, I don't know, depends what you are doing and what is
in your svg data.

> 2) Which XML parser(s) to use? I see jaxp.jar and parser.jar and
> xerces_1_3_1.jar in the xml-batik\lib
> \build and over in latest\xml-fop\lib I see xerces_1.2.3.jar.
>    Does FOP require Xerces whereas Batik uses JAXP? Can I just use the
> latest version of Xerces of the 
> two versions found here? Or can FOP use JAXP instead and could I just use
> the jaxp as the XML parser 
> for both of them?

jaxp should work fine for both.

> 3) Similar question with Xalan. Which version to use?
>     But here Batik has 2.0.1 and FOP has 1.2.2 and 2.0.0. Can I just put
> 2.0.1 on my path?

2.0.1 should work fine.

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