"Manuel Moons" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to put an svg in my xsl:fo document and then trying to generate a
> pdf document. But when doing this I get the following:
> ERROR   10106   [fop     ] (): Could not set base URL for svg
> java.net.MalformedURLException: java.lang.NullPointerException
This can happen for example if you feed FOP with a SAX stream.
I fixed this with
   org.apache.fop.configuration.Configuration.put("baseDir", "file:///foo/bar");
somewhere before the invocation.
The value supplied has to be a valid URL but it is never read unless
you use internal references in your SVG.
If you do the latter, you might be in trouble.

> It also seems that it starts on a new page every time I use an svg

That's a completely different problem. Maybe your SVGs are too
large. BTW giving width/height in px is unwise and may be the
cause of the problem.


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