On Tue, Jun 07, 2005 at 12:18:50AM -0400, Glen Mazza wrote:
> Team,
> Anyone have a problem if I remove the initialize() method from the 
> LayoutManager interface (and assorted related code from 
> AbstractLayoutManager), by having the eight LM's currently using it 
> initialize themselves internally instead?
> Currently, for those 8 LM's using external initialization (i.e., 
> LM.initialize()), it is done immediately after the ParentLM is set for 
> the LM in AbstractLayoutManager.addChildLM().  So, at a minimum, I think 
> I can equivalently do this by having each class call initialize() within 
> an overridden setParent() implementation.  However, for most of the 
> eight it appears I can just call initialize() from the class' 
> constructor without needing a setParent() override.

I seem to recall that initialization in LMs was not very
consistent. If you can unify the required initializations, it would be

Regards, Simon

> This change will not prohibit specific LM's with unique requirements 
> from having a public initialize() method, if ever needed, it would just 
> require that a specific class variable be used instead of the generic 
> LayoutManager interface variable (i.e., for WidgetLayoutManager wlm, 
> call wlm.initialize() instead of LM.initialize().)
> Thanks,
> Glen

Simon Pepping
home page: http://www.leverkruid.nl

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