RE: (Victor) Re: [proposal] Peter Herweg as a FOP committer

2003-09-11 Thread Victor Mote
Glen Mazza wrote:

> Do you have time over the next few days to look at
> Peter's patches (and apply them as appropriate)?  Some
> of this proposed code is affecting your turf
> (FOTreeBuilder), etc., the rest is primarily just the
> RTF handler--all changes are thankfully just for
> trunk.  Take a good look at the code.  If you don't
> have time, I'll happily do so this weekend.  (I'll be
> taking care of Thomas' SVG stuff this weekend myself.)

I should be able to get to them before or during this weekend.

Victor Mote

(Victor) Re: [proposal] Peter Herweg as a FOP committer

2003-09-11 Thread Glen Mazza
Hello Victor,

Do you have time over the next few days to look at
Peter's patches (and apply them as appropriate)?  Some
of this proposed code is affecting your turf
(FOTreeBuilder), etc., the rest is primarily just the
RTF handler--all changes are thankfully just for
trunk.  Take a good look at the code.  If you don't
have time, I'll happily do so this weekend.  (I'll be
taking care of Thomas' SVG stuff this weekend myself.)


--- Jeremias Maerki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Glen, 
> please adjust your tone. Bertrand is only proposing
> a vote, not actually
> voting. Everyone is entitled to propose new
> committers, it has nothing
> to do with the actual voting. If Betrand says Peter
> Herweg provides good
> input, then it's good enough for me to really
> consider holding such a
> vote. We're desperately in need of new committers.
> You know that, making
> about 50% of the current contributions. It may be
> true that in the past
> new FOP committer candidates needed to show stamina
> for an extended
> amount of time before being accepted. It took me
> more than 18 months.
> That's not entirely a bad thing, but FOP doesn't
> have this much reserves
> to wait so long until new people can be voted in.
> IMO we sometimes wait
> too long until new people are voted in. As you
> pointed out Chris, Clay
> and Andreas, for example, are actually good
> candidates for committers
> although they haven't contributed much/any code,
> yet. Some people
> deserve the status if only for helping out on
> fop-user and posting good
> ideas. Maybe they can be motivated to contributing
> more code by
> promoting them. And there's no hard rule making us
> wait a few months
> before we can vote someone in. So let's first see
> what others have to
> say about this before beating that proposal down
> outright.
> Jeremias Maerki

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