RE: [VOTE] Re: LayoutStrategy

2003-07-25 Thread Victor Mote
Glen Mazza wrote:

> Ideally, that would be mostly it.  My current
> design-thinking is that once flow of control leaves
> the apps package, it does not return until has a full
> document finished.

I think we are on the same page here, or at least I see no conflict. I don't
think of the control classes as being part of apps. apps would be one of
several ways to instantiate and access control. The only reason I want to
put anything in Driver is that it *is* control for now. Please, *please*
feel free to refactor the stuff I put in there to better places as you see
fit. I was hoping to get that straightened out before starting the Layout
Strategy stuff, but I think you and Jeremias will do The Right Thing as you
move forward.

> In general, I would then +1 you going ahead with your
> design--providing J, J & P are not shy in opening up
> their mouths when needed (I certainly won't be! ;)--
> If and when it proves more code efficient to place
> certain parts of Control in different packages, we can
> look at doing so later.

I'm counting on getting corrected if I need it. And I definitely don't want
this stuff to live in Driver forever. I just don't see the big Avalonized
picture yet, and probably won't until it is close to complete. Thanks for
the response. BTW, I really didn't mean to press you for the response -- I
just thought I had better get moving. I am very eager to at least test the
idea of getting the main branch working again so that we can start fixing
fonts, graphics, FO tree, etc. in one place.

Victor Mote

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RE: [VOTE] Re: LayoutStrategy

2003-07-25 Thread Glen Mazza
--- Victor Mote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hmmm. I'm not sure how to interpret the silence. I'm
> going to press on with
> my proposals unless I get some sort of substantive
> reply.
> Victor Mote


I apologize for the silence--I did read your email on
Sunday and more thoroughly yesterday.  I was planning
on adding more to what you wrote tomorrow--I've been
too busy and/or worn out this week to give a useful
response to your proposals.  But let me try now:

1.)  BTW, I was happy with your explanations to my 
concerns I raised while voting--in particular your
assurances that Control will not be getting too much
into each of the classes.  We seemed to share many of
the same concerns.

2.)  In general, much of the system I am not versed in
yet, so I don't want to stop you with your redesign
ideas--however, I do expect Jeremias, Joerg, and Peter
to open up their mouths when they see something going
wrong.  However, for me, I can't beat a plan with no
plan, so I'm not going to slow things down by trying.

3.)  Offhand, working on my own, (and before realizing
that I need to change a lot of what I did because of
my mistakes with the parsers, as well as overlooking
several other things), I was able to get rid of the
Driver class entirely, as well as the Starter classes.
 The cost was only a slightly expanded apps.Fop class
(200 lines) and a larger (600-700 line) FOTreeBuilder.
 Due to the large "handshaking" between FOTreeBuilder
and Driver, I also found that adding some code to the
former usually allowed me to remove much more code
from the latter.  All in all, it seems to be pretty

4.) I'm aware of your horrors of letting an
FOTreeBuilder know the render type, etc.  I agree with
you now on that.  My thinking now is to switch to a
new fo.XSLFOProcessor class which includes, as a child
class, the full definition of a
fo.XSLFOProcessor.FOTreeBuilder class.  Within
fo.XSLFOProcessor but outside of its FOTreeBuilder
definition, is much the same control-type code
currently in Driver (renderer information, etc.) This
way we still get the lines of code efficiency without
breaking so much the OO design in terms of letting
FOTreeBuilder know about everything.

What would be in the apps package if we had such a
XSLFOProcessor class?  Hopefully, just something
simple like this in apps.Fop:

XSLFOProcessor xslfoProcessor = new XSLFOProcessor();
bos = new BufferedOutputStream(new

Ideally, that would be mostly it.  My current
design-thinking is that once flow of control leaves
the apps package, it does not return until has a full
document finished.  

5.)  The drawbacks, however, of what I'm mentioning
above is that your Control is taking care of a lot
more than just tree building--layout, rending, area
tree, etc.  Again, though, I don't know much about
those areas yet to comment constructively on them--so
I'm reluctant to stop your full solution just because
I may have different ideas on the first 20%.

In general, I would then +1 you going ahead with your
design--providing J, J & P are not shy in opening up
their mouths when needed (I certainly won't be! ;)--
If and when it proves more code efficient to place
certain parts of Control in different packages, we can
look at doing so later.

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RE: [VOTE] Re: LayoutStrategy

2003-07-25 Thread Victor Mote
Victor Mote wrote:

> Because we are such a small group, I am hoping to get unanimity on all of
> the points. If I have addressed your concerns with the above
> clarifications,
> please consider changing the -1 votes to a zero (or better). If
> anybody has
> serious reservations, I need to think about doing this in a local fork
> instead of in the repository. Obviously, I'd like to avoid that.

Hmmm. I'm not sure how to interpret the silence. I'm going to press on with
my proposals unless I get some sort of substantive reply.

Victor Mote

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RE: [VOTE] Re: LayoutStrategy

2003-07-21 Thread Victor Mote
Glen Mazza wrote:

> --- Victor Mote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 1. In other words, I would
> > like to have permission to temporarily treat Driver
> > as either a singleton or
> > a location for static constructs, which can be used
> > to control the
> > interaction between the various modules, so that I
> > can move that logic out
> > of the modules themselves.
> +1  Your direction of where you want the processing
> logic to be--away from the non-apps packages and into
> apps, is the exact *opposite* of where I want things
> to be headed!  Still, I don't think you should be
> hobbled by needing to be worried about multithreading
> issues at this time--come out with your best design
> as-is.

OK, I need to clarify this. In general, I do not want a bunch of logic moved
from non-apps to apps. The only pieces that need to be moved are those that
control the flow between the various modules. So, for example, I don't want
the fo module deciding to fire off a layout manager, which is what we have
now. I want the flow of control to return back to Control (for now, this is
Driver), which will then decide, because it knows what LayoutStrategy is in
play, and what renderers are in play, and perhaps what user-selected items
are in play, whether *it* should fire up Layout, continue building more
pieces of the FO tree, etc.

> > 2. I will then proceed to clean up lines between
> > modules. Success will be
> > measured by the ability to do the following things:
> > 1) to build without
> > compile errors the control and fo classes, and one
> > entry point to Layout
> > (for Control) by themselves (i.e. no fo classes
> > needing layout or area
> > classes), and
> Doesn't FOTreeBuilder pipe messages to area tree
> processing?

I haven't seen that one, but I have seen some other area tree stuff in the
FO processing. IMO, we should be able to build an FO tree without knowing
anything about layout or area tree, so this is stuff that will be, in the
plan I have proposed, moved to one of those modules.

> > 2) to build without compile errors the
> > control, area, fo (?)
> > and rendering classes  (i.e. no area or rendering
> > classes needing layout
> > classes).
> >
> > Here is my +1.
> >
> -1.  I wouldn't make a commitment at this time that no
> object from most packages needs referencing to
> another.  To accomplish this goal--no area or
> rendering classes needing layout classes, etc.--you
> may need to rip out so much functionality into the
> control classes, make private variables public for
> control to access, etc.  That will cause spaghetti
> code and code bloat.  There goes the elegance!

If there are needed exceptions to this rule, I'll make a note of them, and
explain why they are needed. I can't think of an instance where rendering
should need access to layout classes. It needs access to the area tree. If
the area tree isn't complete, it should be completed by layout before
rendering knows to do anything with the area objects in question. Are you
thinking of something specific? I definitely agree that we don't want to rip
functionality into the control classes (see discussion above), and I
definitely don't want spaghetti. In fact, I am trying to remove what I
consider to be a bit of spaghetti. Right now, for example, the fo module
starts layout. If you go to LayoutStrategy, the only way it can know what to
do at that stage is to carry around information about layout. I don't see a
reason for that. IMO, the FO module should be able to build a PageSequence
object and return it, and not care who or what it will be used for.

If you think of FOP as a pipeline, the stages are as follows:


|  |   |
|  |   |
 Parsing/  |   |
 FO Tree   |   |
 BuildingLayout Rendering
|  |   |
|  |   |
 --- -- ---
 |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |
XSL-FO Input FO Tree   Area Tree   Output

So we have 4 data points, if you will (maybe there is a technical CS term
for this), and 3 processing pipes between them. Each of the processing pipes
needs to have access to the data module immediately before and immediately
after it. Apparently in the past, the processing was along the model above,
but without the Control module, which made it monolithic, i.e. the FO Tree
had to be completed before Layout could start. If I understand Joerg, this
was changed in favor of our current system. I don't want to go back to
monolithic, but I think the right way to handle the concurrency issues (i.e.
trying to lay out and render output before we are entirely through with

[VOTE] Re: LayoutStrategy

2003-07-21 Thread Glen Mazza
--- Victor Mote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1. In other words, I would
> like to have permission to temporarily treat Driver
> as either a singleton or
> a location for static constructs, which can be used
> to control the
> interaction between the various modules, so that I
> can move that logic out
> of the modules themselves. 

+1  Your direction of where you want the processing
logic to be--away from the non-apps packages and into
apps, is the exact *opposite* of where I want things
to be headed!  Still, I don't think you should be
hobbled by needing to be worried about multithreading
issues at this time--come out with your best design

Multithreading, to my limited brain, appears overrated
for FOP.  For single-CPU processing, multithreading
AFAIK isn't going to help.  For multiple-CPU,
lotsa-reports-getting-generated-every-minute, that is
where Cocoon and/or Servlet Containers kick in, and it
is *they* who will do the multithreading, correct? 
(Would they even *want* us to do multithreading?  I
don't know. If both FOP and those services which call
FOP do multithreading, that might have a detrimental

> 2. I will then proceed to clean up lines between
> modules. Success will be
> measured by the ability to do the following things:
> 1) to build without
> compile errors the control and fo classes, and one
> entry point to Layout
> (for Control) by themselves (i.e. no fo classes
> needing layout or area
> classes), and 

Doesn't FOTreeBuilder pipe messages to area tree

> 2) to build without compile errors the
> control, area, fo (?)
> and rendering classes  (i.e. no area or rendering
> classes needing layout
> classes).
> Here is my +1.

-1.  I wouldn't make a commitment at this time that no
object from most packages needs referencing to
another.  To accomplish this goal--no area or
rendering classes needing layout classes, etc.--you
may need to rip out so much functionality into the
control classes, make private variables public for
control to access, etc.  That will cause spaghetti
code and code bloat.  There goes the elegance!

(1) and (2) are noble goals to be strived for, but not
to the point of giving the Control classes inordinate
access to the member variables/functions of all the

But I *highly* encourage better judgments, i.e. the
other committers, to weigh in on this. 

> 3. Create an AbstractLayoutStrategy class which will
> encapsulate the
> interaction between Control and Layout. Make our
> redesign layout subclass
> this. (This may actually get done before item 2, as
> it may make item 2
> easier to do). This supposes that LayoutStrategy,
> and, by implication, the
> possibility of multiple layout engines, is a good
> thing. Although I have
> discussed this before, it has never been canvassed.
> Here is your chance to
> agree or disagree.
> Here is my +1.

-1 (as stated).  I think an AbstractLayoutStrategy
should not have anything to do with the Control, the
Control should be the same for all LayoutStrategies. 
The latter is of most value to the user--this LS
prints better, this one prints faster, etc., etc.--not
this LS-CS method doesn't involve the FOTreeBuilder
knowing about Area Tree creation, while this LS-CS
method does, etc.  That's irrelevant to the user.  

Multiple, pluggable LayoutStrategies work best when
there is a predefined begin and end to them within the
application.  Remember that they may also encapsulate
the rendering portion (far right end), so Control (far
left end) is the *only* thing currently we can keep
constant between the multiple layout strategies.  (As
we standardize more, perhaps we can even pull out FO
Tree Building creation of our the LayoutStrategies as

However, from (2) above, if your control classes get
so much into the "innards" of each of the packages,
now you have to bring the control classes into the
LayoutStrategies.  That's my current concern.

> 4. Make the layout logic in the maintenance branch
> conform to the above,
> subclassing the AbstractLayoutStrategy. I won't
> check this work into the
> repository until it is complete, as it bears the
> risk of failing. I have
> been amply warned by Joerg that this step will be
> difficult, maybe
> impossible, but I feel obligated to try. I will
> either come back with 1) a
> way to unify our development efforts, or 2) greater
> humility and greater
> knowledge of layout. Neither are bad results. 
> An
> affirmative vote here
> implies that retaining our maintenance branch layout
> (at least in the short
> term) is a good thing. I want to make it clear that
> this is not intended to
> derail or distract from the new layout scheme. I
> believe (but acknowledge
> that I am possibly wrong), that adopting this plan
> gets us more quickly to
> the place where we can work on the new layout, and
> gives us many other
> benefits as well. Right now, for example, I need
> some font work done. I
> don't feel free to do it in the maintenance branch,
> bu