Can anyone please tell me why I received this message?  There doesn't seem
to be anything in the header information to tell me who sent it and he/she
certainly seems either irritated, has a hair up their yingyang, or  don't
really know what they're doing in the first place.  In any case, why would a
message like this be coming to me?  Anybody recognize it?
   Matthew L. Avizinis <mailto:mla@;>
Gleim Publications, Inc.
   4201 NW 95th Blvd.
 Gainesville, FL 32606
(352)-375-0772 <>

> -----Original Message-----
> [;]
> Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 5:05 AM
> Subject: Fopping 1-12 to Jan-Dec
> All I wanted to do was convert a month number 1-12 to month name.
> I have the Beginning XSLT Wrox book, and Kay's XSLT 2nd Ed.
> I'm enthused about learning this stuff, and yet there
> are some major turnoffs being encountered.
> Generating documents with FOP is what I'm trying to
> do. I know TeX, so the XSL:FO is not too strange.
> I have the ORA book for XSL:FO.
> I've received an XLST-FO source to maintain, and when I
> saw the enumerated if-test sequence to choose a month
> name from 1-12, I thought, "There's got to be a shorter
> way."
> Page 95 of Kay's book:
>     <xsl:variable name="months">
>         <January/><February/><March/><April/><May/><June/><July/>
>         <August/><September/><October/><November/><December/>
>     </xsl:variable>
>     <xsl:value-of select="name($months/*[position()=2])" />
> I've hard-coded February in this example.
> Result: [ERROR] No flow found for region-body in page-master 'first'
> The code is in the header part of the document-code, in a
> '<fo:static-content...>'. But I tried in a non-static flow,
> and tried a template version. Nogo.
> <Polemic>
> I'd like to say how utterly disgusted I am at the error messages
> coming out of my XSLT (FOP) compiles/transformations.
> Kay's book erroneously shows that last line above as:
>     <xsl:value-of select="name($months/*[position()=$mm" />
> FYI, his Wrox book's errata page is 404.
> When I have the erroneous line in the source, I get over 800
> lines of error messages.
> What, did a 12-yo kid write XSLT-FOP?
> For bleep's sake get a hold of a professional compiler writer
> and put in the necessary structures for "normal" error msgs.
> Can you imagine the outcry if GNU's gcc did the same thing
> when one line of code had a syntax error?
> Apparently I have to type in a few lines of code and see if
> it compiles before entering more code, because otherwise there's
> no way to figure out what's wrong! As in, 'The error messages
> are so bad I have to resort to commenting out code just to have
> a freakin' clue as to where I went wrong.'
> What kind of way to develop is that?
> Yes, I recognize this as Java-style "throwing an exception", or
> in this case, "FOPException()." Not an excuse.
> No, I am not volunteering my time, and I can't code Java.
> Recently I came up to speed on perl, compiled 8.0 on my
> Sun SPARC Solaris 8 boxen, and found perl even has a
> verbose error message mode that will give you a paragraph
> or two on what the error msg (always for a given line#)
> might be about and how to fix. Sometimes FOP doesn't even
> cough up a line number.
> FOP's non-existent implementation of error reporting is
> wasting a lot of programmer time and no doubt retards its use.
> It should be a top priority for upgrading.
> </Polemic>
> A newbie hunting and pecking through books and Google results...
> I tried xmlns:date="";, but
> that URL is 404. (I emailed Tennison, and also Wrox about
> their 404.)
> So, FOP doesn't have EXSLT functions?
> I downloaded from and added it to the
> stylesheet declaration, and an 'xsl:import'.
> Now it says it can't find a string padding function.
> Hunt...okay, downloaded and unzipped the '' deal.
> Updated the source...damn, same error.
> Apparently the 'date' routines are referring to the 'str' routines
> underneath the 'date' subdir 'functions.'
> Okay, I tar the 'str' functions directory to overlay the 'date' one.
> Nogo. Gave up this approach.
> Hmmm, the web pages say the newest 'xalan' has EXSLT built-in.
> Can I load its jars into the FOP lib directory and get them?
> FOP 0.20.4
>     *  FOP should now work with any JAXP1.1 compliant parser/transformer.
>        It has been successfully tested with Xerces/Xalan, Saxon and JDK1.4
>        (which includes Crimson and Xalan).
>     *  The following JARs have been updated: Xerces to version 2.0.1,
>        Xalan to version 2.3.1 and Batik to version 1.5beta2.
> Maybe?
> Downloading 'xalan-j_2_4_0-bin.tar.gz' from
> Gunzip, no problem. But the untar...
> x
> xalan-j_2_4_0/docs/apidocs/org/apache/xalan/transformer/class-use/
> TransformerImpl.html, 55055 bytes, 108 tape blocks
> tar: directory checksum error
> Just fabulous.
> I successfully do the zip version, backup FOP/lib, delete x*,
> move in xalan's jars....
>     [ERROR] null
> Tweak...tweak...
>     java.lang.NullPointerException
> I'm stuck. Have I mentioned:
>     All I wanted to do was convert a month number 1-12 to month name.
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