I've been playing a bit with The Apache XML Project logo (I wanted a narrower logo for the updated FOP web site), and I've come up with something to look at [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]. I'm still playing with the XML Graphics logo [3] [4] [5] [6]... but it's a start! Part of this is an exercise in hand-coding SVG to suit my/our needs... Pretty neat! I've included JPG versions of these. Also, you can see how the site is progressing as well[7].


Web Maestro Clay

[1] Apache XML Project (JPG)
[2] Apache XML Project (SVG)
[3] Apache XML Graphics Project (JPG)
http://homepage.mac.com/webmaestro/xml-fop/images/apache-xml- graphics_001.jpg
[4] Apache XML Graphics Project (SVG)
http://homepage.mac.com/webmaestro/xml-fop/images/apache-xml- graphics_001.svg
[5] Apache XML Graphics Project (JPG)
http://homepage.mac.com/webmaestro/xml-fop/images/apache-xml- graphics.jpg
[6] Apache XML Graphics Project (SVG)
http://homepage.mac.com/webmaestro/xml-fop/images/apache-xml- graphics.svg

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