
Keiron has sent a FOP Status thread about what's going on. You can find it 
in the archive list.

I think the best way it to cvs checkout the main branch (wich is the new 
design one) and read the new design and understanding documentation that 
comes with it or the version that is on the FOP website.

Then, you can choose to work on a special subject.


At 09:33 19/04/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>FOP Developers,
>I've been using and integrating FOP into some applications here at work, 
>and I really, really like it.  I'd like to join the project and start 
>contributing to FOP's future improvements, but I really don't know where 
>to start.  Are there any tasks in specific that need more hands?  I'd also 
>seen that FOP is in the middle of a redesign.  Would it perhaps be better 
>for me to wait until after the redesign to familiarize myself with FOP 
>source code, since anything before that would be obsolete?
>J. Rhett Aultman

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