On Mon, 18 Jun 2001 17:58:34 Thieler Jens wrote:
> 1.)
> ===
> Batik's SVGGaphics2D produces SVG files for me.
> Now I want to convert the SVG to PDF in my program (or rather position
> the
> SVG on the page)
> using FOP's Driver.
> The FOP used was downloaded at 2001-06-18 07:49 UTC.
> It works fine with Batik 1.0 downloaded on 2001-05-26
> and with the batik.jar shipping with the recent FOP.
> (Thanks to the FOP team.)
> Batik 1.0beta2 downloaded at 2001-06-18 07:53 UTC causes this:
> java.lang.NullPointerException
>       at
> org.apache.fop.svg.PDFGraphics2D.writeClip(PDFGraphics2D.java:466)
> What is happening here?

Considering that Batik 1.0beta2 is an earlier version there might be some
sort of problem with it.
The exception (I think) is due to getting a null PathIterator from the clip
shape or getting a null clip when drawing a shape.

> 2.)
> ===
> Following the proposed command line (with an added -d option)
>   java org.apache.batik.apps.rasterizer.Main -m application/pdf
> document.svg
> I get a fine PDF with FOP's own batik.jar,
> but with Batik 1.0 I get
>   Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
> org/apache/batik/apps/rasterizer/Main
> and with Batik 1.0beta2
>   No transcoder found for mime type : application/pdf
> What's so special about FOP's batik.jar?

FOP's batik.jar is the build from batik 1.0 with the target all-jar. There
is also a minor difference with the rasterizer.Main class.
I'm hoping this will be added to batik sometime.

> 3.)
> ===
> Can org.apache.fop.svg.PDFDocumentGraphics2D be used in a way similar to
> org.apache.batik.svggen.SVGGraphics2D?
> (I hope someone has got the urge to provide me with an example before I
> start to play with it.)

If I understand your question, yes you can use it in a similar way.
Depending on what you want to do it may be best to use the PDFTranscoder,
as it does a few extra things.

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