Hy dear fop-dev men.

I was testing footnotes with Fop 0.19.0 (last CVS update on Monday morning).
My test contain a list of numbered footnotes. 
Here is the XSL I used, and I want to display note in superscript font.
   <fo:inline font-weight="bold" font-size="6pt" vertical-align="super"> 
  <xsl:number from="/PTV" level="any" /> 

In my teest, the generated suite of number begins at the end of a line and
ends at the beginning of the following one. 

The problem is that the first number of the second line is no more in
superscript font as expected for all note number.
I know this is'nt a good idea to put so much note references, but this is a
more general new line unexpected beahavior.


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