Priority: P2
            Bug ID: 53766
           Summary: [PATCH] Removed the undefined PDF StandardEncoding
                    type from FOP
          Severity: normal
    Classification: Unclassified
                OS: Linux
          Hardware: PC
            Status: NEW
           Version: all
         Component: pdf
           Product: Fop

Created attachment 29266
Patch to remove the PDF StandardEncoding type

A support case recently highlighted the issue where PDF's generated using FOP
fallback to the use of a "StandardEncoding" type. The reason why this was
brought to our attention was because it was failing a syntax check in preflight
Adobe Acrobat Pro. The error was an undefined key value on either the /Encoding
or /BaseEncoding in the font definition. That undefined value was FOP's use of
the StandardEncoding type. After studying the PDF specification third edition,
I first found the following references with regard to valid encoding types:

"For each named character, an octal character code is given in four different
encodings: StandardEncoding, MacRomanEncoding, WinAnsiEncoding, and

However, when researching the StandardEncoding type further, the following is
stated in Table D.1:

"PDF does not have a predefined encoding named StandardEncoding. However, it is
useful to describe this encoding, since a font’s built-in encoding can be used
as the base encoding from which differences are specified in an encoding

Essentially then, FOP's use of StandardEncoding with a definition is not valid.
This patch resolves this issue by removing the /Encoding and /BaseEncoding tags
when it is set to StandardEncoding as if none is specified, it will default to
the default encoding type for which this tag represents. This change resolves
the preflight errors.

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