On May 21, 2007, at 18:37, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Richard,

Am I correct in my assumption that the following XSL:FO:

      <fo:block text-align="left" space-after.optimum="15pt">
      9. This is a simple test of bidi-override.
<fo:bidi-override direction="ltr" unicode-bidi="bidi- override">This text goes left to right.</fo:bidi-override> <fo:bidi-override direction="rtl" unicode-bidi="bidi- override">This text goes right to left.</fo:bidi-override>

Should be rendered as:

9. This is a simple test of bidi-override. This text goes left to right. .tfel ot thgir seog txet sihT

Correct, IIC ;)
Interpretation: this is a mere matter of writing-mode. The glyph- orientation does not change.



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