Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 41514] - [PATCH] Strict url validation of user config

2007-02-09 Thread Jeremias Maerki

On 09.02.2007 10:21:23 Vincent Hennebert wrote:

> > Going further along this train of thought..  IMO, in an ideal world all
> > this config stuff should be abstracted in a separate class such as
> > FopConfig - so code dependencies on the avalon Configurable interface
> > would be minimised and configuration would be centrally managed.
> Interesting. I'm not a specialist of the config area, so I hope someone
> who has more insight in this area will be able to give comments. If you
> want to give it a try, please do. Anything that goes towards simplifying
> the code base is a good thing, IMO.

A central config class is probably not a bad idea. Some people have
asked how fonts could be configured programmatically. That's not so easy
at the moment. Something like that could simplify it with the nice
side-effect to make FopFactory and FOUserAgent a little smaller.

OTOH, the use of Avalon Framework allows for a big amount of flexibility.
The renderers can be configured from the central configuration without
knowing how the particular configuration layout for the renderer looks
like (Configurable interface). This is handy if you use custom renderers,
for example. If the configuration were limited to a central object
structure it would limit extensibility quite a bit. Maybe we need
something in between: A "strongly coupled" base config for FOP core and
"loosly coupled" configuration for the plug-ins (renderers, XML handlers
etc.). Not sure how best to solve this dilemma. Flexibility vs.
user-friendlyness. Hmm.

Thinking about configuration I end up each time being a little unhappy
how fonts are configured: per renderer. Especially now that we've
decided not to pursue the FOrayFont road at this time, we have to think
about the direction we want to take. I'm still thinking around a "font
source" concept (discussed in 2003): FOP provides a number of font
sources and each renderer can choose fonts from the set of font sources
it supports. Font sources would be: Java2D subsystem, Type 1 fonts,
TrueType/OpenType fonts, PCL fonts, AFP fonts etc. Something like that
would allow a proper one-time configuration of all fonts and lets the
renderers use whatever they need. But that's another story/thread.

Jeremias Maerki

Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 41514] - [PATCH] Strict url validation of user config

2007-02-09 Thread Vincent Hennebert
Hi Adrian,

Adrian Cumiskey a écrit :
> Vincent Hennebert wrote:
>> Yes, the patch doesn't seem to break anything. We could even go a bit
>> further: the cfg parameter is no longer used in the
>> FOUserAgent.configure() method, it might be removed. Also, would the
>> FopFactory.getUserConfig() method not be public, I would even remove it,
>> and move the logic that is in FOUserAgent.getUserRendererConfig into
>> FopFactory. Is that getUserConfig() method supposed to have any utility
>> to embedding applications? I would answer no, but what do embedding
>> specialists think about it?
>> Vincent
> I had considered all these points when developing the patch, and I whole
> heartedly agree with them, they are all good ones :-)..  but I wanted to
> try and be as minimal as possible in my refactoring - at the end of the
> day this should just be a fairly simple, straight forward patch after
> all.  Making these sort of changes makes committer checking more
> difficult and time consuming.  If you are happy to review my patch file
> with the above changes I am *more than happy* to make them :-).

Don't be afraid of refactoring, if it brings significant
simplifications. To help the reviewing work, I suggest you to do the
- don't do unrelated changes in the same patch. Just address one problem
  at a time; a big change addressing one problem will be simpler to
  track than several unrelated little changes;
- give a detailed changelog along with your patch: that will allow us to
  check your proposed changes are ok instead of inferring them;
- if you move files, tell us, so that we can do svn move instead of
  deleting the file from the old location and creating a new one, as
  would be the case by blindly applying the patch. That will allow to
  keep the history of changes.

> Going further along this train of thought..  IMO, in an ideal world all
> this config stuff should be abstracted in a separate class such as
> FopConfig - so code dependencies on the avalon Configurable interface
> would be minimised and configuration would be centrally managed.

Interesting. I'm not a specialist of the config area, so I hope someone
who has more insight in this area will be able to give comments. If you
want to give it a try, please do. Anything that goes towards simplifying
the code base is a good thing, IMO.


Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 41514] - [PATCH] Strict url validation of user config

2007-02-08 Thread Adrian Cumiskey

Vincent Hennebert wrote:

Yes, the patch doesn't seem to break anything. We could even go a bit
further: the cfg parameter is no longer used in the
FOUserAgent.configure() method, it might be removed. Also, would the
FopFactory.getUserConfig() method not be public, I would even remove it,
and move the logic that is in FOUserAgent.getUserRendererConfig into
FopFactory. Is that getUserConfig() method supposed to have any utility
to embedding applications? I would answer no, but what do embedding
specialists think about it?


I had considered all these points when developing the patch, and I whole 
heartedly agree with them, they are all good ones :-)..  but I wanted to 
try and be as minimal as possible in my refactoring - at the end of the 
day this should just be a fairly simple, straight forward patch after 
all.  Making these sort of changes makes committer checking more 
difficult and time consuming.  If you are happy to review my patch file 
with the above changes I am *more than happy* to make them :-).

Going further along this train of thought..  IMO, in an ideal world all 
this config stuff should be abstracted in a separate class such as 
FopConfig - so code dependencies on the avalon Configurable interface 
would be minimised and configuration would be centrally managed.



Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 41514] - [PATCH] Strict url validation of user config

2007-02-08 Thread Vincent Hennebert
> .
> --- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2007-02-08 02:28 ---
> (In reply to comment #10)
>> I had a short look at the patch, and I have the following comments:
>> Do not change the 0.93 documentation but the trunk documentation:
>> src/documentation/content/xdocs/trunk/configuration.xml, etc.
> Oops, yes I missed that.  I will update the patch file to make changes to the
> trunk xdocs and not 0.93.
>> TargetResolution is a property of FOUserAgent because it may easily vary with
>> each run. It is not a good idea if you move properties around. They are in
>> FopFactory or in FOUserAgent for a reason. See
> There is no real change here.  TargetResolution is still a property of
> FOUserAgent, it is just configured from FopFactory and propagated to the
> FOUserAgent.  As before, the value of this property in FOUserAgent can be
> programmatically set at anytime during rendering.

Yes, the patch doesn't seem to break anything. We could even go a bit
further: the cfg parameter is no longer used in the
FOUserAgent.configure() method, it might be removed. Also, would the
FopFactory.getUserConfig() method not be public, I would even remove it,
and move the logic that is in FOUserAgent.getUserRendererConfig into
FopFactory. Is that getUserConfig() method supposed to have any utility
to embedding applications? I would answer no, but what do embedding
specialists think about it?


Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 41514] - [PATCH] Strict url validation of user config

2007-02-07 Thread Vincent Hennebert
Hi Adrian,

Adrian Cumiskey a écrit :

>> - we may discuss about the interest of a separate/yet another parameter
>>   for validating the config file. I can understand both points of vue
>>   and, actually, I don't really care of which is chosen. That said,
>>   I think validation of the config file should be enabled by default (as
>>   strict FO validation, IIC) because this will be helpful to newbies.
>>   Power users will be clever enough to disable it if they want to. So
>>   I suggest you to change the default value to true in your patch.
> My thinking behind initially switching this option off was to not break
> any existing configurations, but you are right its probably best to help
> the newbies and not worry too much about initially upsetting some of the
> power users.  I take your point and will make this change.

Good point, in the future we might expect users complaining that their
config files no longer work with FOP's latest release.
Still, I think this is preferable for newcomers. Let's just get
prepared, after the next release, to answering plenty of times the same
question and creating a new FAQ entry about strict user config
validation ;-)

>> - the changes in src/documentation/content/xdocs/0.93/fonts.xml are
>>   a bit inexact. That's ok, you're probably still learning. But:
>>   - the examples you added have different noticeable behaviours: the
>> first one gets the font's metrics through a beforehand generated XML
>> file and won't embed the font in the PDF file, because it doesn't
>> have access to the font file; the second ones computes the metrics
>> on the fly and is able to embed the font in the PDF file. As those
>> differences are not trivial and are explained further on the page
>> I would leave the example as is.
> I will revert this change.
>>   - if both files are specified the metrics-url won't take the
>> precedence, at least not exactly. The metrics defined in this file
>> will override the metrics in the font (if the user modified the file
>> by hand after generating it), but the embed-url file will always be
>> used to load and embed the font.
> I'm not sure this is the case (but maybe it should be..).  All the
> config fonts are loaded on demand by the LazyFont encapsulation.  If you
> look at org.apache.fop.fonts.LazyFont.load(), the metrics url does take
> precedence over the embed url (see conditional tests on metricsFileName
> and fontEmbedPath).

Yes, but if you then look at PDFFactory.makeFontFile you will see that
the font file is read there for embedding in the resulting PDF file.
Your initial wording is essentially right, just a bit misleading: it's
true that the data in the metrics file will be given the preference for
any font-related computation (glyph placement, kerning, etc.), but
finally that's the original font file which is put into the PDF.

>>   - AFAIK, kerning is available for PS and PDF outputs.
>>   - but as I said, thanks for updating the documentation!
>> - I ask for other devs' opinions, but in strict user-config validation
>>   mode I would not also log an error when an exception is subsequently
>>   thrown. Reporting the problem just once is enough IMO.
> I will change this.
>> - In apps.FopFactory:
>>   - AFAIU the validatesStrictly() method is not related to user
>> configuration, as the javadoc seems to imply
> This comment was added to the validatesStrictly method when Simon
> Pepping commented that these configuration options should be separate
> and I neglected to remove it.  I will now remove this additional method
> comment.
>>   - setUserConfig doesn't throw SAXException or IOException, but
>> FOPException
> I am at pains to modify public APIs so as to remain backwards compatible
> and not break anything...  There are three public setUserConfig methods,
> two of which throws SAXException, IOException so I tried to leave these
> as is - as a FopException is a subclass of SAXException anyways :).  The
> other method needed to be changed though to report an exception
> (FopException) - instead of just logging it.

Ah yes, I forgot that public API issue. Well, that's a bit problematic,
then, because backward compatibility is broken anyway (a method which
previously didn't throw any exception will now throw one). What's
frustrating is that we know the FOPException will only be thrown in
strict validation mode, but we must still declare it. So even if the
user disabled strict validation, they would still have to catch the

Personally I would declare a FOPException; if we are to break backward
compatibility, we may as well be accurate. But I could understand that
other devs don't agree with that. In which case there isn't really a
clean solution: embed the FOPException into a RuntimeException, or log a
fatal message.
What do others think?


Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 41514] - [PATCH] Strict url validation of user config

2007-02-07 Thread Adrian Cumiskey

Hi Vincent,

First of all, many thanks for your comments/feedback.

Vincent Hennebert wrote:

Hi Adrian,

Sorry for the delay. I've had a look at your patch. First of all, thanks
for taking care of this. Strong validation of user config files is
a great step towards user-friendliness. Thanks also for thinking of
documentation and testcases!

I have a few comments, some of which are open for discussion with other

- we may discuss about the interest of a separate/yet another parameter
  for validating the config file. I can understand both points of vue
  and, actually, I don't really care of which is chosen. That said,
  I think validation of the config file should be enabled by default (as
  strict FO validation, IIC) because this will be helpful to newbies.
  Power users will be clever enough to disable it if they want to. So
  I suggest you to change the default value to true in your patch.

My thinking behind initially switching this option off was to not break 
any existing configurations, but you are right its probably best to help 
the newbies and not worry too much about initially upsetting some of the 
power users.  I take your point and will make this change.

- the changes in src/documentation/content/xdocs/0.93/fonts.xml are
  a bit inexact. That's ok, you're probably still learning. But:
  - the examples you added have different noticeable behaviours: the
first one gets the font's metrics through a beforehand generated XML
file and won't embed the font in the PDF file, because it doesn't
have access to the font file; the second ones computes the metrics
on the fly and is able to embed the font in the PDF file. As those
differences are not trivial and are explained further on the page
I would leave the example as is.

I will revert this change.

  - if both files are specified the metrics-url won't take the
precedence, at least not exactly. The metrics defined in this file
will override the metrics in the font (if the user modified the file
by hand after generating it), but the embed-url file will always be
used to load and embed the font.

I'm not sure this is the case (but maybe it should be..).  All the 
config fonts are loaded on demand by the LazyFont encapsulation.  If you 
look at org.apache.fop.fonts.LazyFont.load(), the metrics url does take 
precedence over the embed url (see conditional tests on metricsFileName 
and fontEmbedPath).

private void load(boolean fail) {
if (!isMetricsLoaded) {
try {
if (metricsFileName != null) {
/[EMAIL PROTECTED] Possible thread problem here */
FontReader reader = null;
if (resolver != null) {
Source source = resolver.resolve(metricsFileName);
if (source == null) {
String err = "Cannot load font: failed to 
create Source from metrics file "

+ metricsFileName;
if (fail) {
throw new RuntimeException(err);
} else {
InputStream in = null;
if (source instanceof StreamSource) {
in = ((StreamSource) source).getInputStream();
if (in == null && source.getSystemId() != null) {
in = new;

if (in == null) {
String err = "Cannot load font: failed to 
create InputStream from"
+ " Source for metrics file " + 

if (fail) {
throw new RuntimeException(err);
} else {
InputSource src = new InputSource(in);
reader = new FontReader(src);
} else {
= new FontReader(new InputSource(new 

realFont = reader.getFont();
} else {
if (fontEmbedPath == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot load font. 
No font URIs available.");


Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 41514] - [PATCH] Strict url validation of user config

2007-02-07 Thread Vincent Hennebert
Hi Adrian,

Sorry for the delay. I've had a look at your patch. First of all, thanks
for taking care of this. Strong validation of user config files is
a great step towards user-friendliness. Thanks also for thinking of
documentation and testcases!

I have a few comments, some of which are open for discussion with other

- we may discuss about the interest of a separate/yet another parameter
  for validating the config file. I can understand both points of vue
  and, actually, I don't really care of which is chosen. That said,
  I think validation of the config file should be enabled by default (as
  strict FO validation, IIC) because this will be helpful to newbies.
  Power users will be clever enough to disable it if they want to. So
  I suggest you to change the default value to true in your patch.

- the changes in src/documentation/content/xdocs/0.93/fonts.xml are
  a bit inexact. That's ok, you're probably still learning. But:
  - the examples you added have different noticeable behaviours: the
first one gets the font's metrics through a beforehand generated XML
file and won't embed the font in the PDF file, because it doesn't
have access to the font file; the second ones computes the metrics
on the fly and is able to embed the font in the PDF file. As those
differences are not trivial and are explained further on the page
I would leave the example as is.
  - if both files are specified the metrics-url won't take the
precedence, at least not exactly. The metrics defined in this file
will override the metrics in the font (if the user modified the file
by hand after generating it), but the embed-url file will always be
used to load and embed the font.
  - AFAIK, kerning is available for PS and PDF outputs.
  - but as I said, thanks for updating the documentation!

- I ask for other devs' opinions, but in strict user-config validation
  mode I would not also log an error when an exception is subsequently
  thrown. Reporting the problem just once is enough IMO.

- In apps.FopFactory:
  - AFAIU the validatesStrictly() method is not related to user
configuration, as the javadoc seems to imply
  - setUserConfig doesn't throw SAXException or IOException, but

If no other fop-dev have objections to my comments above, I'd like to
ask you to post a new patch with the suggested corrections. It should be
ready to be applied then.


> --- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2007-02-02 03:55 ---
> Created an attachment (id=19497)
>  --> (
> main patch file
> (In reply to comment #3)
>> The patch is fairly large and seems to address more than only validation of
> the
>> configuration file. Can you give a summary?
> The patch seems quite large because I have added a new suite of configuration
> unit tests for the fix (these are contained in the attached zip file).
> A
> summary of the changes is given below.
>> I am against this exception being thrown if I do not use the font arial at
> all:
>> [ERROR] FOP - Exception
>> > resolve font metric-url
>> 'arial.xml'>org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.ConfigurationException:
>> Failed to resolve font metric-url 'arial.xml'
> In order for this to be the case, the user configuration would have to be
> (re-)read/parsed at the runtime of the rendering operation in order that it
> would be able to know if a particular font is being used in the given FO 
> file. 
> This would be an inefficient way of doing things and would require some
> structural changes.
>> I am also against combining strict validation of the FO file and the user
>> configuration; they are two different things. I would appreciate a separate
>> option 'validate-configuration', which checks every entry in the
> configuration file.
> I did raise this as a question on forum and I remember you responded to it.
> Chris Bowditch suggested that it be combined with "strict-validation".
> I can
> see your argument for this and this was my original idea but I can also see
> Chris' argument too.  On balance I have decided to go with your suggestion and
> make it separate a separate configuration option so as to not cause any
> confusion.
> I have introduced a new configuration variable called "strict-configuration". 
> I haven't called it "validate-configuration" because validation should always
> occur, its how the resulting error is handled that is the important thing (see
> Andreas' comments from the thread).
> If "strict-configuration" == "false" then FOP will simply log the error and
> continue to parse the user configuration.  If "strict-configuration" == "true"
> then FOP will immediately raise an exception and will not continue trying to
> configure itself.
> I have attached a new patch file containing these changes