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> You're welcome. I think the biggest problem we have is the differing
> language. I currently can't see where you really want to go in the end.

Me doesn't know, either, that's why I'm asking *g*. But it's not just 
«implementing proportional widths for tables», I see it more generally, a more 
reliable solution...

> Anyway, I can currently not invest too much time into this discussion as
> I'm very busy and RTF is only a personal interest. At any rate, further
> development discussion should move to fop-dev. Maybe our RTF specialist
> Peter Herweg can also chime in if he has time.

Hope so...looking forward to it. But now I'll cover myself with Micros~1 specs 
and hope the knowledge flows into my ideas and my hands solve the problems 
while I'm asleep...

To conclude this: I'll return when I'm able to form the right questions in 
FOP-conform terms.
> Jeremias Maerki
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