On 04.09.2009 10:55, JPee wrote:
I'm working with FOP embedded in a CMS and using verdana (referenced as
verdanattf.tff) and georgia (referenced as georgia.ttf), also with bold and
italic fonts of it.

When I generate a PDF and copy a word, everything i get is 
 and not the correct letters, searching in the document is because of
that problem also not possible.

FOP 0.20.5 doesn't generate CID maps which are necessary to copy or
search text associated with user defined fonts.

Is there a way how it works correctly with
true type fonts?

The PDF generated by FOP 0.20.5 allows copying and searching
only for texts rendered with built-in PDF fonts. Either you'll
have to use Times or Courier, or upgrade to FOP 0.95.


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