On Fri, 25 Nov 2005 08:21 am, Andreas L Delmelle wrote:
> Hi all,
> While toying around with moving Block.handleWhitespace() elsewhere, I
> ended up thoroughly revising the whole lot (more on this to follow).
> FTM, the point is that my current revised version passes all layout
> tests apart from the following:
> leader_text-align.xml
> leader_toc.xml
> Both for the reason that a space is retained where the checks seem to
> indicate that they are expected to be dropped. At least, that's what
> I think...
> For the first:
> <fo:leader ... />
> some text
> A space should be retained here from the linefeed after fo:leader.
> The second:
> ...</fo:basic-link>
> <fo:leader ... />
> A space should be retained here from the linefeed between the two
> elements.
> If I interpret the tests correctly, they don't expect that space in
> between...?
While I am not 100% sure that it is in line with user expectations after 
comparing it to the behaviour of other XSL-FO implementations I agree 
that the space should be retained.

Actually we currently do retain the space for:
  <fo:leader leader-pattern="use-content">x</fo:leader>

but not for other leader patterns. So there is an inconsistency in the 
system already.

> Cheers,
> Andreas


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