Answered on batik-users.

On 27.09.2006 12:02:19 ruben malchow wrote:
> hello,
> when using the epstranscoder in headless mode with a transparent svg 
> element, this exception is thrown:
> [...]
> 2006.09.27 11:34:30 - TranscodeUtils...... - ERROR    
> java.awt.HeadlessException (null)
> 2006.09.27 11:34:30 - TranscodeUtils...... - ERROR    
> java.awt.HeadlessException
> 2006.09.27 11:34:30 - TranscodeUtils...... - ERROR        at 
> sun.java2d.HeadlessGraphicsEnvironment.getDefaultScreenDevice(
> 2006.09.27 11:34:30 - TranscodeUtils...... - ERROR        at 
> 2006.09.27 11:34:30 - TranscodeUtils...... - ERROR        at 
> org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.GraphicsUtil.getDestination(
> 2006.09.27 11:34:30 - TranscodeUtils...... - ERROR        at 
> org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.GraphicsUtil.getDestinationColorModel(
> [...]
> my code that's calling the epstranscoder is this:
>         System.err.println("saving eps ... ");
>         try {
>             EPSTranscoder t = new EPSTranscoder();
>             TranscoderInput input = new TranscoderInput(doc);
>             TranscoderOutput output = new TranscoderOutput(os);
>             t.transcode(input, output);
>         } catch (Exception e) {
>             logger.error(e);
>         }
> now, if i run this in "normal" mode (i.e., not headless), the error is 
> not thrown, but the transparencies and strokes are not drawn correctly, 
> either. the elements are always fully opaque, and the strokes are 
> cropped to the actual path of the element, with parts of the stroke 
> extending to the outside not being rendered.
> i am including an exampleof this behaviour (not including the stroke 
> thing for now). these were rendered using jdk1.4.2 and the most recent 
> svn revision as of 20 minutes ago. is this something i should file a bug 
> report for?
> .rm

Jeremias Maerki

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