Greetings all.

I am having a basic formatting issue concerning page breaks.

The scenario:  I am calling several items of information to be displayed in
a single table row (which is set up as a template).  This call loops N
times, depending on how many "rows" of information there are in the XML.

Now, within a cell in this table row, I can have between 4 & 10 fo:blocks,
depending on whether or not these data elements are present in the XML.

I am trying to prevent a page break from happening within the middle of this
row when the fo is rendered into a PDF.

I have read the buglist as well as the W3C compliance list.  While the
compliance list states FOP supports keeps
(keep-together.within-page="always") for table rows, I can't see any
evidence of this working.  Page breaks will still occur between the
fo:blocks, despite my best efforts to prevent this. (Among techniques I have
tried is putting each fo:block into its own row and placing keep attributes
on each of these rows within a child table of the parent cell.  No change in
display.  Using page-break causes each row to be on its own page, which is
not an acceptable result.  I have tried some other methods as well, to no

Does anyone have any suggestions?  I can provide a current code snippet if

Many thanks.

Spring Moore
Technical Producer
ICG Commerce
Office: 215.649.1446

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