
I'm trying to pass an "already prepared" fo: snippet (i.e. a valid
<fo:table> section) to the transformation as a parameter but it seems to
be ignored. this is what I do:

  String fOTableSnipped = "<fo:table> .... </fo:table>"; // this is
prepared elsewhere

  StreamSource renderer = new StreamSource( rendererXSL );
  Transformer transformer=
TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer( renderer );
  transformer.setParameter( "external_section", foTableSnippet );
  _transformer.transform(new StreamSource(new CharArrayReader(sourceXML)),
new SAXResult(_driver.getContentHandler()));

in the XSL I use the variable in the following way:
<xsl:value-of select="$external_section" disable-output-escaping="yes"/>

For simple Strings and other parameters, this works fine, however when I
want to pass an already prepared fo, it never makes it into the output
(PDF, AWT). I would have expected this to work since I use
disable-output-escaping, but apparently it does not.

When I run the XSL transformation only (transform an XML into a XSL:FO),
it looks perfectly okay, the <fo:table> is where it is supposed to be. I
haven't tried but I assume a 2-step transformation (first to XSL:FO, then
call FOP on that intermediate result) would work; but that isn't really
what I want.

Any hints?
Kind regards,
- ollie

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