I had the same problem with the same message, but the fonts did print out.
This should be entered as FOP bug, if it isn't already.

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 06, 2002 7:45 AM
Subject: embedding fonts angst


I managed to make the font-metric files with the TTFReader.

I reference this file (with URI syntax) in the userconfig.xml and
of course also reference the ttf file.

However, the resulting pdf causes the following bark when acrobat
opens it:
"Unable to extract the embedded font '1E2732Arial'. Some characters
may not display or print correctly. "
On both linux and win.

And indeed these fonts do not print out.  Could it be a fop/batik
version issue?

Any solutions?


Eric Smith

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