> (Correcting a mistake: see below)
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Andreas L. Delmelle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Ganesh Babu Nallamothu, Integra-India
> >
> > > ... the problem is when you convert to PDF the
> > > <second> text is overwriting on first one.
> > ...
> > > When I try to adde label-end and body-start functions
> > > it showing an error that area is full.
> <snip />
> > So, in short, if you want to use the label-end()/body-start() functions,
> > then you absolutely *need* to specify
> > provisional-label-separation/provisional-distance-between-starts on the
> > fo:list-block, or you'll get undesired results.
> Oops, it's almost the other way round, the mentioned props have
> no use *except* WRT to the calculation of body-start() / label-end().
> My mistake, sorry :-/
> Greetz,
> Andreas

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