
I'm currently using fop to produce pdf after a transformation
from xhtml to xsl:fo with an XSLT.
Well, I have a problem with even pages. I don't get any footer
nor header. There is no difference between the odd and the
even pages for the static content in the header/footer.
Here is the log:

[DEBUG]: Input mode:
[DEBUG]: fo input file: docs\result.xml
[DEBUG]: Output mode:
[DEBUG]: pdf
[DEBUG]: output file: toto.pdf
[DEBUG]: no user configuration file is used [default]
[DEBUG]: debug mode on
[DEBUG]: dump configuration
[DEBUG]: quiet mode on
[DEBUG]: base directory: file:/f:/Temp/Fop-0.20.3rc/docs/
[INFO]: FOP 0.20.3
[DEBUG]: using SAX parser org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser
[INFO]: building formatting object tree
[DEBUG]: setting up fonts
[INFO]: [1]
[WARN]: table-layout=auto is not supported, using fixed!
[WARN]: table-layout=auto is not supported, using fixed!
[WARN]: table-layout=auto is not supported, using fixed!
[WARN]: Some static content could not fit in the area.
[WARN]: Some static content could not fit in the area.
[INFO]: [2]
[WARN]: table-layout=auto is not supported, using fixed!
[WARN]: table-layout=auto is not supported, using fixed!
[INFO]: [3]
[WARN]: Some static content could not fit in the area.
[WARN]: Some static content could not fit in the area.
[INFO]: [4]
[INFO]: [5]
[WARN]: Some static content could not fit in the area.
[WARN]: Some static content could not fit in the area.
[INFO]: [6]
[INFO]: [7]
[WARN]: Some static content could not fit in the area.
[WARN]: Some static content could not fit in the area.
[DEBUG]: Last page-sequence produced 7 pages.
[INFO]: Parsing of document complete, stopping renderer
[DEBUG]: Initial heap size: 638Kb
[DEBUG]: Current heap size: 1481Kb
[DEBUG]: Total memory used: 843Kb
[DEBUG]:   Memory use is indicative; no GC was performed
[DEBUG]:   These figures should not be used comparatively
[DEBUG]: Total time used: 3646ms
[DEBUG]: Pages rendererd: 7
[DEBUG]: Avg render time: 520ms/page

Can you help?


Bruno, France
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
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        <fo:block text-align="justify" text-indent="1em" space-before="0.6em" space-after="0.6em">
          <fo:block font-size="10px">COUCOU GOUNY

            <fo:page-number-citation ref-id="endofdoc"/>

    <fo:static-content flow-name="xsl-region-after">
      <fo:block text-align="center" font-size="small">

        <fo:block text-align="justify" text-indent="1em" space-before="0.6em" space-after="0.6em">
          <fo:block font-size="10px">FIN DU
            <fo:page-number-citation ref-id="endofdoc"/>

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                  <fo:external-graphic src="essai_files/javalogo52x88.gif" display-align="center"/>



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 __BP__ __BPALE__
            <fo:table-cell border-style="none" border-width="1pt" padding-start="0.3em" padding-end="2pt" padding-before="2pt" number-columns-spanned="1" number-rows-spanned="1" text-align="right">
            <fo:table-cell border-style="none" border-width="1pt" padding-start="0.3em" padding-end="2pt" padding-before="2pt" number-columns-spanned="1" number-rows-spanned="1">
 Tel : __TELALE__
            <fo:table-cell border-style="none" border-width="1pt" padding-start="0.3em" padding-end="2pt" padding-before="2pt" number-columns-spanned="1" number-rows-spanned="1" text-align="left">
 A l'attention de __CIVICORRES__ __CORRES__

      <fo:block start-indent="5mm" end-indent="5mm">
        <fo:block font-size="10px">
Tel : __TELCORR__ Poste : __POSTTEL__
Fax : __FAXALE__

Objet : Recrutement




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      <fo:block start-indent="5mm" end-indent="5mm">
        <fo:block font-size="10px">

Vous avez confi&#233; &#224; l'ANPE le recrutement de :
et je vous en remercie.
Je serai votre interlocuteur pour ce recrutement.

Je vous adresse le descriptif de votre offre d'emploi
r&#233;f&#233;renc&#233;e sous le num&#233;ro __NUMOFRA__. Si vous
souhaitez apporter une pr&#233;cision ou une modification,
n'h&#233;sitez pas &#224; me contacter.

Comme convenu, je diffuse imm&#233;diatement votre offre d'emploi
avec vos coordonn&#233;es par les moyens adapt&#233;s (affichage,
36 14 ANPE, ...). Vous serez contact&#233;__GENRE__ directement par
les candidats int&#233;ress&#233;s.

Je vous t&#233;l&#233;phonerai le __DATECTT__ pour faire le point.
Merci de bien vouloir m'informer d&#232;s que vous aurez retenu un

Je vous prie d'agr&#233;er, __CIVICORRESLG__, mes sinc&#232;res




      <fo:table width="100%">
        <fo:table-column number-columns-repeated="2" text-align="start"/>
            <fo:table-cell border-style="none" border-width="1pt" padding-start="0.3em" padding-end="2pt" padding-before="2pt" number-columns-spanned="1" number-rows-spanned="1">
            <fo:table-cell border-style="none" border-width="1pt" padding-start="0.3em" padding-end="2pt" padding-before="2pt" number-columns-spanned="1" number-rows-spanned="1" text-align="left">
              <fo:block>__CIVIAGENT__ __CORRALE__

      <fo:block start-indent="5mm" end-indent="5mm">
        <fo:block font-size="10px">


 Retrouvez tous les services de l'ANPE

      <fo:table width="100%">
        <fo:table-column number-columns-repeated="2" text-align="start"/>
            <fo:table-cell border-style="none" border-width="1pt" padding-start="0.3em" padding-end="2pt" padding-before="2pt" number-columns-spanned="1" number-rows-spanned="1">
            <fo:table-cell border-style="none" border-width="1pt" padding-start="0.3em" padding-end="2pt" padding-before="2pt" number-columns-spanned="1" number-rows-spanned="1" text-align="left">
              <fo:block>sur le 3614 ANPE (0,06 Euros la
minute en m&#233;tropole)
 ou sur internet www.anpe.fr

      <fo:block font-size="10px">
        <fo:block break-before="page"/>

      <fo:block font-size="10px">
        <fo:block break-before="page"/>

      <fo:block font-size="10px">
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      <fo:block font-size="10px">
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      <fo:block id="endofdoc"/>

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