Re: Displaying a table

2002-05-31 Thread Oliver Masutti
Is there anything with my  XSL-FO below? Thanks a lot for your help, I did
spend a lot of time, I'm just out of ideas rigth now...

fo:table-columns column-width=6cm / 
fo:table-columns column-width=16pt / 
shouldn't it be fo:table-column .../ (without the 's' ?)
- ollie

Re: Displaying a table

2002-05-31 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz
Hi Kurt,

Did you compare your table construct with the samples from 
/docs/examples/tables? You can find them under 
if you didn't download them.

 fo:table-columns column-width=6cm /

Should be table-column I think, no s.

  fo:table-row color=black background-color=red

Should be in the fo:table-body element I think.
