For your information!

Forwarded by Jeremias Maerki
----------------------- Original Message -----------------------
 From:    Steven Noels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


 Date:    Wed, 08 Jan 2003 09:30:24 +0100
 Subject: [ANN/OT] xreporter 1.0 release - Avalon/Cocoon-based database 

Hi all,

yesterday, we've released the 1.0 version of xReporter, our open source 
Avalon/Cocoon-based database reporting framework, available from

xReporter consists of 2 main components:

  * an Avalon Phoenix-based query server, which is configured through 
XML-based report definitions, and is accessible across an XML/HTTP interface
  * a Cocoon front-end generating configurable HTML, PDF, Excel and CSV 
renditions of your database reports, thanks to the wonders of FOP, POI 
and some custom Cocoon drudgery

     Architectural diagram:
   > <

Most compelling features:

  - multiple datasources & report definitions
  - user/role-based report authorization, container-based authentication
  - column filtering & sorting, query by example
  - no programming required to define complex, multistep database reports
    - optionally using temporary tables
    - expression language & field validation
    - possibility to access non-SQL, 'Web Services' datasources
  - fully customizable look & feel using CSS and XSLT
  - flow control using XML and a ReST HTTP interface

xReporter is released under an Apache-style license, and we welcome 
contributions and patches as we try to grow this into a community-owned 
project. Currently, there is anonymous read-only cvs access and a 
downloadable tarball. There's a limited, live demo available on the 
project website, too.

We would like to sincerely thank the Avalon & Cocoon community for the 
creation of some wonderful toys to play with, and a great guy (you know 
who you are) who made all this possible.

Steven Noels                  
Outerthought - Open Source, Java & XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at  
stevenn at                stevenn at
--------------------- Original Message Ends --------------------

Jeremias Maerki

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