roni nemerovsky - hotmail wrote:

I downloaded the zipped bin file and extracted it.
When I try to run an example inorder to view the output, I get the following output.
The input file is one of those extracted from your web site (with no changes).

C:\fop-0.20.3>fop -xsl xml2pdf.xsl -xml build.xml -pdf a.pdf

You probably misunderstood what particular xml2pdf.xsl stylesheet is intended for. That's not generic xml to pdf stylesheet, instead, as it stated in docs/readme it's "a stylesheet, to convert xslfoRef.xml to pdf". It does require particular xslfoRef.xml (or similar by xml structure) file as xml source. Being applyed to an arbitrary xml, as you did with build.xml I believe a very likely it'll transform it to a non valid fo document, probably even ill-formed or empty. So try instead

fop -xsl xml2pdf.xsl -xml xslfoRef.xml -pdf a.pdf

Oleg Tkachenko
Multiconn International, Israel

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