Re: Table and first/last page

2002-11-11 Thread Oleg Tkachenko
Also look at the Dave Pawson's tutorial:

Oleg Tkachenko
eXperanto team
Multiconn Technologies, Israel

Re: Table and first/last page

2002-11-11 Thread Jeremias Maerki
Here's a sample of a layout-master-set that has different page headers
for the first and other pages. The important hint is the region-name
that is overridden in fo:region-before.

Further down the document you'll then have the following:

instead of 

This lets you define separate page headers. What you currently can't do
is define a conditional-page-master-reference for page-position="last".
This is not implemented.

On Mon, 11 Nov 2002 11:07:35 +0100 Nwilan Glirt wrote:
> I am using FO to transform an XML document into a nice business form (like 
> an invoice). I am thinking of presenting all the postings in a table that 
> runs across as many pages as needed. My problem is, that I want to make the 
> top and bottom of the document to be different for the first page (should 
> contain address etc.), last pages (should contain a total amount) and all 
> the pages in between (should just list the postings).
> I have been playing around with fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives and 
> conditional-page-master-reference, but that only seems to be affecting the 
> selection of the page-master, which only deals with the "pysical aspects" of 
> the page (size, margins etc), and those don't differ across the pages. I 
> feel I got something basically wrong here. I would appreciate any help!

Jeremias Maerki