svg as external graphic error

2003-01-22 Thread Josh Bosquez

When I try to use a svg file as an extenal graphic I get
this error:

[ERROR] Could not load external SVG:

[ERROR] Error while creating area :
No ImageReader for this type of image (file:


I am using it in the FopServlet example. The servlet container is resin with

This is the code snippet from my xsl:fo


 fo:external-graphic src=file:C:/resin-2.1.4/webapps/df/svg/boxes.svg/


When I run the XSL file through the FO plugin of XMLSpy, the
PDF is generated

with no

Any suggestions?



Re: svg as external graphic error

2003-01-22 Thread J.Pietschmann
Josh Bosquez wrote:
[ERROR] Could not load external SVG:
with jdk1-4.
The error message indicates that Batik wants the XML parser for
the SVG source to validate (odd, ask on the Batik list for further
details). The parser used by default with JDK 1.4 is Crimson,
which I vaguely remember isn't capable of validating.
A workaround would be to ensure that the Xerces parser distributed
with FOP is always used. One possiblity should be to copy the
Xerces jar and perhaps xml-apis.jar into the JRE's lib/endorsed
directory. If this isn't possible, learn about the bootclasspath
and how to fiddle with it (beware...).
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