I'm trying to get a list of hostnames to populate an array from the Foreman 
function.  We have servers that are dedicated to clients and 
non-production.  We use naming {clientid}-{server_type}.  So for example, 
test1-search001, test1-search002, test2-search001, test2-search003, 
client1-search001, client1-search002.

With my code below, I'm able to get back what appears to be json with the 
following error.  Line 111 is the discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts line.

  $search_hostnames = "${clientid}-search"

  $f = { 
    item           => 'fact_values',
    search         => "${search_hostnames}",
    filter_results => 'fact = hostname',
    per_page       => '20',
    foreman_user   => "${puppet_user}",
    foreman_pass   => "${puppet_pass}"

  $hostlist = foreman($f)

  file { '/root/search.txt':
    ensure   => present,
    content  => "${hostlist}",

  elasticsearch::instance { $hostname:
    config                                => {
      'node.name'                         => $hostname,
      'network.host'                      => '',
      'path.data'                         => '/opt/elastic/search',
      'discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts'  => ${hostlist},

Notice: Local environment: 'production' doesn't match server specified node 
environment 'test', switching agent to 'test'.
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Loading facts
Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 500 on SERVER: 
Server Error: Syntax error at '}' at 
/etc/puppetlabs/code/modules/fm_search/manifests/init.pp:111:56 on node 
Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run

{total => 0, subtotal => 4, page => 1, per_page => 20, search => 
test-search, sort => {by => , order => }, results => 
{test-search001.useast.mydomain.com => {networking::hostname => 
test-search001, hostname => test-search001, networking::fqdn => 
test-search001.useast.mydomain.com, clientcert => 
test-search001.useast.mydomain.com, fqdn => 
test-search001.useast.mydomain.com}, test-search002.useast.mydomain.com => 
{hostname => test-search002, networking::hostname => test-search002, 
clientcert => test-search002.useast.mydomain.com, fqdn => 
test-search002.useast.mydomain.com, networking::fqdn => 
test-search002.useast.mydomain.com}, test-search003.useast.mydomain.com => 
{hostname => test-search003, networking::hostname => test-search003, fqdn 
=> test-search003.useast.mydomain.com, networking::fqdn => 
test-search003.useast.mydomain.com, clientcert => 
test-search003.useast.mydomain.com}, test-search004.useast.mydomain.com => 
{hostname => test-search004, networking::hostname => test-search004, fqdn 
=> test-search004.useast.mydomain.com, clientcert => 
test-search004.useast.mydomain.com, networking::fqdn => 

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