Re: PSPad extension announcement [51457]

2009-10-29 Tema obsahu naputtelija
Now that Windows PowerShell 2 is officially released, I uploaded syntax and clip definition files here. Is you are still using PowerShell v. 1, you don't need this package, just use files that comes with PSPad. PowerShell download: http://

windows 7 pspad znovunacteni obsahu souboru [51456]

2009-10-29 Tema obsahu JohnyRicio
Ahoj, Mám problém ve verzi 4.5.5 (2370) při přepínání mezi PSPadem a jinou aplikaci. Pokaždý, když uložím kod, přepnu do jiné aplikace a po chvilce zpět, tak se mi objeví dialogové okno: Obsah souboru byl změněn. Načíst aktuální verzy? (název souboru). Vím že s tímto souborem pracuji sám, i když

Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.5 (2370) English [51455]

2009-10-29 Tema obsahu gadjex
cite: File change detection File change detection on Win7 64bit dual monitors is not fixed. When switching to the right monitor then s

Re: 'file contents was changed' question [51454]

2009-10-29 Tema obsahu gadjex
pspad: Does the problem continue with 4.5.5 ? It doesn't appear to be fixed in 4.5.5. I also run Win 7 64bit with dual monitors. When s

Converter: From kana to full-width katakana or full-width hiragana [51453]

2009-10-29 Tema obsahu ciaoie7
Greetings to all.. I've been using PsPad for quite some time, and sometime back, i noticed a fairly useful utility from EmEditor that can convert traditional Chinese to simplified Chinese & vice versa. I'm wondering if PsPad has similar converters that can convert: - kana to full-width katakana -

Re: zobrazeni / ukladani Win1250, ISO 8859-2 [51452]

2009-10-29 Tema obsahu Pavel Vančák
no, to, co je tu popsané, vypadá spíš na použití skriptu Západní a zbytek je OK. Já se to pokoušel pozměnit, abych si to nasimuloval, ale jiný skript, než Středoevropský mi PSPad nebo Windows nedovolil. -- Vany PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspa

Re: PSPad occasional problems [51451]

2009-10-29 Tema obsahu KyferEz
Nope, that's not it. I've never used the ftp functionality in PSPad. -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad occasional problems [51450]

2009-10-29 Tema obsahu Steve Holle
I have noticed this also. It has something to do with the ftp site timing out or not responding as expected to one of the commands. Try unchecking the "Use random command" box on your FTP setup and select a single command that works on your system. I use SYST. You will need the latest release i


2009-10-29 Tema obsahu MadCompie
When opening a folder with >500 items, it takes a VERY long time to fill up the listbox. This does not occur when using FileZilla, WinScp, ... Is this due to the ftp plugin or is this restricted to the listbox object behaviour? I have made some scripts to multi-open from ftp -works fine- but to ope

PSPad occasional problems [51448]

2009-10-29 Tema obsahu KyferEz
I use PSPad, and like it a lot. However sometimes it will cause my Vista64 laptop to lockup hard. I will still be able to move the mouse, but the computer otherwise becomes completely unresponsive and I have to hold the powerbutton to turn it off. It does not respond to Ctrl-Alt-Del, nor does it re

Re: FR: Command Line Switch to Force Highlighter [51446]

2009-10-29 Tema obsahu djspspad
Any chance of this getting on the feature list? Thanks much, D. -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: zobrazeni / ukladani Win1250, ISO 8859-2 [51444]

2009-10-29 Tema obsahu kochi
Tak to bylo zřejmě pouze dočasné řešení, které nevím, jak se předtím opravilo. Divné chování, kdy se zobrazuje "paznak", ve statusbar je správný znak _č_ a uloží se také správná hodnota. Ten "paznak" mě ovšem hodně mate při úpravě dokumentů. Neví někdo, jak se tuto mohlo stát? Smazal jsem i *PSCa