I miss a few features .. [72215]

2019-12-28 Tema obsahu hl kwee
Hello Till now I've used PSPad version 4.6.x. and I was satisfied. Especially I used: o Menu -> Format -> Char Change Case -> Capitalize o Menu -> Format -> UTF-16 BE Since today I use PSPad with the newest version. And I miss the "old" features (see above). How can I use the old features in the


2018-11-06 Tema obsahu hl kwee
Hello For example .. via: 1) Menu -> View -> Word Wrap Lines .. or 2) Ctrl+W .. and 3) "icon" clicken .. I can manipulate something .. How can I display the "icons"-bar?? Thank you. PS. I've tried "everything" .. but the icons-bar doesn't appear :-( --

delete all lines with "" [70515]

2018-07-26 Tema obsahu hl kwee
Hello I've a text file .. which contents look like this: . . Major Scale – Form \#3; 276 Major Scale – Form \#4 ; 277 ; 277 Modes; 279 ; 280 The Road to Lisdoonvarna; 282 ; 283 The Battle of Aughrim; 285 Scalloway


2018-05-16 Tema obsahu hl kwee
Hello Since recently every time I start PSPad ... it shows also the FTP popUp window. Maybe in the past I've click accidentally a certain key ..!? How can I suppress PSPad from showing the FTP-popup-window at each start? I've search the menu .. but I find nothing. Thank you. --


2017-12-28 Tema obsahu hl kwee
Hello Thank you I wish you a Happy New Year 2018. Now I'll drive to Lago di Garda and Venice ... ;-) @Steffen I've downloaded it. Thks. -- PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com


2017-12-27 Tema obsahu hl kwee
@Steffen not yet. I'm a bit confused. Rename .. to e.g. "PSPad_" .. what does it mean? No stenography, please :-) I use for laziness .. administration rights C:\Users\hlk123\AppData\Roaming\PSpad Datenträger in Laufwerk C: ist OS Volumeseriennummer: 5C2E-8FA0 Verzeichnis von


2017-12-27 Tema obsahu hl kwee
Hello I've read the last input from Steffen. How about using the format UTF-16 BE instead of ANSI as default? What is the "price"? Since a few years I use 3 languages in text files with PSPad: German, English & Chinese. I use Windows-10. Thank you. @Steffen dos.tips ... I thought DOS belongs to


2017-12-26 Tema obsahu hl kwee
@pspad OK ... next time/problem I'll upload several screenshots ... @steffen You're a nerd? or an administrator? :-) .. I didn't know what WMI(C) is .. -- PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com


2017-12-26 Tema obsahu hl kwee
@Steffens / aGerman I defer your "commands" to later ... :-) .. until I understand more about code pages & encoding. @pspad Do you mean .. right below in the last line .. I read .. Text DOS Code page: ANSI(Windows) I don't really understand what you mean .. :-( BTW unfortunately .. I could upload


2017-12-24 Tema obsahu hl kwee
Weihnachtsbescherung = a nice mess ;-) -- PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com


2017-12-24 Tema obsahu hl kwee


2017-12-24 Tema obsahu hl kwee
@Steffen dos-box: 1) WMIC OS GET CODESET > CodeSet 1252 -- PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com


2017-12-24 Tema obsahu hl kwee
Hello I think I know the cause of the problem. Some weeks ago I must change the format of a text file from ANSI to UTF-16 BE .. big endian. I used PSPad. PDF XChangeEditor worked well with the text file in BigEndian. And then I change the format of PSPad back to ANSI. But something remains


2017-12-24 Tema obsahu hl kwee
Hello I've deinstalled PSPad .. reboot .. installed a new version of PSPad. That does not change anything. I think I must "clean" the PC from PSPad .. and then install a virgin PSPad .. but I don't know how. Thank you. BTW .. how do you call "the database of a Windows"? --


2017-12-24 Tema obsahu hl kwee
@Steffen Thank you ... but how/where? I use a 2 years Dell laptop with a new (free) Windows-10 version 1709. I don't define OEM or DOS character set. I use the 3 text-editors but mostly PSPad. I treat them the same .. but why only PSPad displays the CP850? Do you know where can I check what ..?


2017-12-24 Tema obsahu hl kwee
Hello I don't know ... I do not use a special font. -- PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

Instead of ", " -> a new line [67592]

2016-12-18 Tema obsahu hl kwee
Hello I've a text-file, whose pages contain f.e.: . . POLES AND STABILITY 23 Example 2.8 Poles and system stability 23, Script 2.8 24, P2.15-P2.18 25 EFFECTS OF ZEROS DN SYSTEM RESPONSE 25 Example 2.9 Blocking zeros 26, Script 2.9 27, P2.19-P2.20 28 Example 2.10 Right half-plane zero 28, Script


2016-10-24 Tema obsahu hl kwee
Hello I've a 7bitASCII textfile, f.e. with the following content: . . Chapter 2 Time-Domain Representations of Linear Time-Invariant Systems;97; 2.1 Introduction;97; 2.2 The Convolution Sum;98; 2.3 Convolution Sum Evaluation Procedure;102; 2.4 The Convolution Integral;115; . . . The numbers

Re: 7 bit ASCII codes. [67421]

2016-10-20 Tema obsahu hl kwee
Hello I use RE for the first time. I read PSPad's explanation about RE. I tried several commands to define search expression as a range of ascii values and replace all others. These are the results. Search: [^a-z0-9 !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~] matches all NOT 7bitASCII BTW why is

7 bit ASCII codes. [67418]

2016-10-19 Tema obsahu hl kwee
Hello I've a Textfile. I want to delete all characters which don't belong to "7 bit ASCII" codes (see below) ...i.e. US keyboards. Can PSPad help me to do it? How? Thank you. !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:<=>?; @ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_ `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ --


2016-10-19 Tema obsahu hl kwee
Hello I've a Textfile .. and a line looks something like this: Chapter 12 - Adverbs (


2016-04-04 Tema obsahu hl kwee
How can I upload Screenshot-files (.jpg)? It's easier to show a screen-shot than explaining with words.. -- PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com


2016-04-04 Tema obsahu hl kwee
Hi I want to upload the 2 textfiles as examples .. but I don't know how. I cannot find the button to upload a file to the forum. I only click at the filename.txt .. PSPad load this "textfile" as a "binary" file. I use PSPad mostly as a text editor. --


2016-04-04 Tema obsahu hl kwee
Hello When I edit a text-file .. PSPad disables the "Hex Edit MODE" automatically. Today I edited a text-file as usual. After I exited PSPad .. and I wanted to edit again the same text-file .. PSPad automatically enables "View -> Hex Edit MODE". Why? I cannot disable the "Hex Edit MODE" as

Re: Macro feature does not function in Windows-10 [66477]

2016-01-12 Tema obsahu hl kwee
Hello In BIOS I changed the "Function Key Behavior" to "Function Key". Now the keyboard behaves like standard That is the solution. -- PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Macro feature does not function in Windows-10 [66457]

2016-01-09 Tema obsahu hl kwee
Hello Since recently I use Windows-10. Now I cannot use "PSPad Macro" because if I press Ctrl+F5 then Windows-10 reacts so as if I search for a computer .. and I get an error message from "active directory" .. etc. What can I do? .. because I need the Macro feature of PSPad. Thank you. --

Re: Macro feature does not function in Windows-10 [66458]

2016-01-09 Tema obsahu hl kwee
and other problem: I cannot use F3 for "find next" ... why? Thank you -- PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com


2015-12-22 Tema obsahu hl kwee
Hello I've installed PSPad in Windows-8. But afterwards I don't find in context-menu (right click) the option PSPad ... why? What must I do? Thank you. -- PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com