It's the most strange thing. 
In the portatile i can't save a file opened by pspad.
In the desktop i can. 
But this is not only the difficult thing. 
Lately the pspad get blocked for a little time. 
Don't happen with any other program (notepad, notepad++, etc.)
My pspad version is 4.5.9 (2600)
I can't write , select o copy/paste. 
I can't change tab.
Solve close and open again the program pspad. 
But then i Lose the text line formatting. 
And always i can save the file while opened.
I use these file intensivily to create new registers in my CRM Goldmine. 
Last day I have to introduce more than 5000 registers and observe only 3
thousands were created. 
I am saving the file while introducing. Perhaps was my error. I don't know well.

But for me it's strange the new pspad behaviour. 
I usually introduce the new registers with the help of a virtual machine. So
initianally seems to me to be in correlation, or even with the operating system,
but seems proper of pspad.
In the portatile I cannot save the file opened by other application, but in the
desktop i can .

Nice program indeed

PSPad freeware editor

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