2007-02-22 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
Run PSPad on Linux under Wine -- PSPad freeware editor


2007-02-22 Tema obsahu kyle
I would be nice to get a Linux version of this made. I have been using it on windows for years and is my favorite editor. I was also looking for the source to see what i could do to implement it into Linux. It works in Wine but i still would like a version just for Linux. --

Re: Hide statusbar [38714]

2007-02-22 Tema obsahu kawika k
No good reason. From previous editors I am just used to hiding the status bar as I don't use any of the information it usually provides. -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: FTP -Files and Project [38713]

2007-02-22 Tema obsahu Mark Roedel
This would be very useful to me as well. Along similar lines, it'd be nice if "save to ftp" would remember the path that a file was loaded from, rather than just dumping it into whatever happens to be the current folder in the ftp browser. -- PSPad

Re: Feature requests [38712]

2007-02-22 Tema obsahu Keith
Nooo... Ctrl+A always means select all. B-] -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: lua highlighting [38711]

2007-02-22 Tema obsahu infuzion
MrSpock: The standard distribution of PSPad comes with a Lua highlighter, you don't have to create one. OK, I get it now, thanks for your

Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.3 (2255) English [38710]

2007-02-22 Tema obsahu Matt
Thanks for another great release. However I've also experienced a problem with the toolbar (specifically with the tabs indicating which files are open): I use a virtual desktop manager for XP called MSVDM (free powertoy available from MS). However when I switch to a desktop that does not have PS

Re: Řešení podpory skriptování [38709]

2007-02-22 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
PSPad vyuziva Windows Scripting Host. Do nej je mozne nainstalovat odporu pro ruzne skriptovaci jazyky, krome vychozich VBScript a JScript. Je treba zajistit WSH pristup k objektum programu a o to se stara wrapper, PSPad pouziva knihovnu LVK Script. Urcite by to slo resit i primym vyuzitim WSH jak

Re: Feature requests [38708]

2007-02-22 Tema obsahu Damion Hankejh
beedeeuniko: Hey, My morkaround is the following pspad-macro by now : It just works! :-D ecSetMarker9 ecSelectAll ecCopy ecGotoMarker9 ecSetMarker9 Thanks, Ciao! Ben

capital letters in FTP [38707]

2007-02-22 Tema obsahu jadefish
I noticed that in the FTP list, when ordering alphabetically, folder names with capital letters go at the top. Would it be possible to have them display in alphabetical order, regardless of the capitalization? Thanks a lot! -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: VBScript errors [38706]

2007-02-22 Tema obsahu Jan Schreiber
Not a problem, though I don't think it's the best possible setup. I only use VBScript occasionally. >From my PSPad.ini: [MS VBScript] Filter=VBScript files (*.vbs)|*.vbs HLTabWidth=0 IndentChar= UnIndentChar= Compilator File=%WinDir%\system32\cscript.exe Compilator Param=|%File%| Compilator LOG

Řešení podpory skriptování [38705]

2007-02-22 Tema obsahu daks
mohl bych vědět, jak je v PSPadu řešena podpora skriptování, konkrétně v Pythonu? Rád bych ve svém programu umožnil rozšíření funkčnosti pomocí skriptů v Pythonu, ale nevím jak to udělat, aby se ze skriptu v Pythonu dalo přistupovat k datům (možná objektům) mé běžící aplikace. --

Re: VBScript errors [38704]

2007-02-22 Tema obsahu Steve Holle
Would you mind giving me all of your compiler settings for VBS? Your help is greatly appreciated. -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: Column-Selection behaviour like UEdit [38703]

2007-02-22 Tema obsahu Jan Schreiber
And try Alt+I. It's not the same, I know, but in many situations it is very helpful. -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: VBScript errors [38702]

2007-02-22 Tema obsahu Jan Schreiber
%F(%L, %C) works for me. -- PSPad freeware editor

VBScript errors [38701]

2007-02-22 Tema obsahu Steve Holle
I noticed that the VBScript Compiler Example does not show how to parse errors. Does anyone have a parser for VBScript errors? -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: Nahrazovani viceradkovych textu [38700]

2007-02-22 Tema obsahu Mathias Kodlodot
A co zkusit checkbox "All Open Documents"? B-] -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: nefunkčnost seznamu šablon [38699]

2007-02-22 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
Zrovna jsem odpovidal na poodbny dotaz. Hledam, hledam, ale zatim jsem nenasel pricinu :-( Je to jeden z duvodu, roc jeste neni dalsi build -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: Column-Selection behaviour like UEdit [38698]

2007-02-22 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
There isn't any column edit in PSPad now; for (un)commenting code you can use Ctrl+Shift+A (after selecting the lines). -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: nefunkčnost seznamu šablon [38697]

2007-02-22 Tema obsahu Soustruh
muzu se opet zeptat autora programu, jak to vypada s resenim chyby? prosim prosim :-) :-) -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.3 (2255) English [38696]

2007-02-22 Tema obsahu Daniel D .
I've the same problem - german version. A few quesions: Why do I have to select a codepage for open a file? Does the editor change the current file codepage to UTF-8 if I've UTF-8 set? Why does the codepage doesn't change in the format menu if the just opened file is another then the selected? --

Re: Zvýraznění aktuálního řádku [38695]

2007-02-22 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
Menu zobrazit / Aktualni radek barva se nastavuje v nastaveni programu / Barvy -- PSPad freeware editor

Zvýraznění aktuálního řádku [38694]

2007-02-22 Tema obsahu Ondra
Prosím vás, nevíte někdo kde se dá nastavit zvýraznění aktuálního řádku? -- PSPad freeware editor


2007-02-22 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
Samozrejme, ze je BOM podporovano. Ale soubor musi byt skutecne v UTF-8. Pokud je to mix UTF-8 a CP1250, otevre se soubor jako prazdny, PSPad to zjisti a nasledne jej otevre jako CP1250 Muzete mi poslat vzorek? -- PSPad freeware editor http://www.p

Re: Zvirazneni kodu [38692]

2007-02-22 Tema obsahu ash
To by mohlo byť užitočné. Hlasujem za, ak by to šlo. -- PSPad freeware editor


2007-02-22 Tema obsahu qube
Ahoj, mam soubor a v nem texty v iso-8859-2 a CP1250 kodovani. Soubor nechci nikterak prevadet, ale potreboval bych do nej napsat dalsi text a to v UTF-8. Kdyz zvolim v menu pred otevrenim souboru UTF-8, tak se stejne pouzije autodetekce a soubor se otevre v CP1250. Napadlo me dat v hexa edito

FTP -Files and Project [38690]

2007-02-22 Tema obsahu Klaus Hartung
Hallo, I like to use ftp-files in a PSPad-project. If I start a project, all ftp-files in the project are to be open from the ftp-server. Regards Klaus Hartung -- PSPad freeware editor

Column-Selection behaviour like UEdit [38689]

2007-02-22 Tema obsahu Matze
UEdit has a nice feature, i really got used to. When you're in col-sel mode, you can mark zero columns in order to write the same text in all marked lines. For example if you want to comment-out a code block or if you need to add the same code to several lines. Does this already work? Didn't find


2007-02-22 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
At this time not -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: Manualni nastaveni kodovani [38687]

2007-02-22 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Melo by se dat hned po otevreni souboru (pokud se otevre v nezadoucim kodovani) rucne nastavit v menu format a pak pouzit znovuotevreni souboru Ctrl+R) (ztrati se predchozi zmeny, dulezite je nedat soubor ulozit ve spatnem kodovani...). V nekterych pripadech (utf-8) se nejspis kontoluje slucitelnos


2007-02-22 Tema obsahu Alain
Hi, I find the project management of Pspad very handy. I have a request though. Would it be possible to include FTP files in a project? The reason why is that i develop on Linux that i access through a FTP connection. Thanks to some scripting, i can make the remote files. But being unable to save

File explorer synchronization [38685]

2007-02-22 Tema obsahu Jorn Chr . Skulstad
Hi. How do I make the file explorer (in Tool Panel) to auto-synchronize/auto-refresh? I want this to happen when I switch between files (file tabs), i.e. the synchronization should "follow" the file tabs. Regards -- Jorn Chr. Skulstad PSPad freew


2007-02-22 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
I'm sorry, there seem to be some drawback in the current version of the script in "replace all" simply replacing: "QQQ " with " " ie "[TAB]" - without quotes - in non RE mode works only for simple replacement, replace all leaves the line endings untouched somehow ... if you have several t

Re: Nahrazovani viceradkovych textu [38683]

2007-02-22 Tema obsahu Michal Zábský
To je dobrá zpráva. A pokud by nahrazování fungovalo i na více souborech, odpadl by mi jediný důvod, kdy musím při práci na webu do jiného editoru. Michal -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: Hide statusbar [38682]

2007-02-22 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
No. Any reason for it? -- PSPad freeware editor