Re: help problem [40856]

2007-06-04 Tema obsahu PierreG07
Hi, I already have the server's UNC in trusted sites. For Pspad and other utilities, it is mapped on L:\. But i still get this error. By the way, on another PC with local install of PSPAD, when I replace the original help file with the old french one, I get the same error... --

Re: Maximalize bug (Vista, v4.5.3 -build 2262) [40857]

2007-06-04 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
I am not able to test it with Aero right now. --,40152,40857 PSPad freeware editor

Re: Xtra functions for code explorer [40858]

2007-06-04 Tema obsahu Pieter
Apparently it's not that simple. I've programming experience with VB6 and VB.NET. Do you have to write a specific extension (DLL) ? --,40772,40858 PSPad freeware editor

Small explorer refresh [40860]

2007-06-04 Tema obsahu PavelS
Hi, if I click on the Refresh button in the small explorer, than ALL other applications refresh (they flicker). Pavel Ver: 4.5.3 (2265) --,40860,40860 PSPad freeware editor

Suggestion batch Conversion Ansi to Utf8 [40862]

2007-06-04 Tema obsahu Pierpaolo Romanelli
The scenario is this: You have a pspad project full of file, and you need to use all file in UTF 8 or other Code - Page. You, now , you must make this, each file, every time. The nice suggestion is a batch conversion integrated in the editor. --Project Options

Re: Xtra functions for code explorer [40864]

2007-06-04 Tema obsahu grigri
Oh, and by 'FSM' I did mean 'Finite State Machine', not 'Flying Spaghetti Monster'. Although if His Noodly Appendage can help with parsing programming languages, feel free to use it. :-D --,40772,40864 PSPad freeware editor

Re: Xtra functions for code explorer [40863]

2007-06-04 Tema obsahu grigri
The way I did it (still working on a few little glitches) was to write an ActiveX Dll, expose an object, then create that object through a script, passing it the script global object ( which provides access to all the script functions like newEditor(), ...) This way your dll is loaded in the same

Re: Uživatelské konvertory - dva různé znaky a přece stejné [40= 866]

2007-06-04 Tema obsahu Marty
problém je, že pspad asi používá u konvertorů cp1250 a ty znaky jsou utf-8. myslel sem že je problém jen u dvou znaků, ale dělá to u více znaků, takže je to nepoužitelný, budu asi muset udělat (najít a nahradit) znak po znaku ty exporty jsou z mysql4, která již neexistuje (odešel disk) teď tam mám


2007-06-04 Tema obsahu grigri
Hi andy, thanks for testing this out. The installer is quite a stupid program, to be honest - it just copies the files and registers the dll. The only error I expected to trap was overwriting the dll while it's active, which would only happen while PSPad is running. The '[Object Error]' bit is

Re: vlastní šablona [40870]

2007-06-04 Tema obsahu Pavel Vančák
Pridat si vlastni podobu pozadovane sablony do podslozky Template programove slozky PSPadu. Pokud bude mit priponu PHP (stejne jako default.php, asp_style.php, xml_style.php), pak se bude nabizet v nabidce po stisku CTRL+N na tabu Podle sablony. Pokud to chces pro veskere PHP soubory, pak to uloz

Re: vlastní šablona [40869]

2007-06-04 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
Vzorove soubory pro nove soubory musi byt v podadresari .\Template a musi mit priponu jako budouci soubor. Pokud chcete, aby se pouzila pri zavolani novy soubor, upravte soubor s nazvem Default.ext, napr: .\Template\Default.php --,40868,40869 PSPad freeware

Re[2]: Uživatelské konvertory - dva různé znaky a přece stejné = [40871]

2007-06-04 Tema obsahu Pavel Kodýtek
Hi all, 4. června 2007, 15:54:25, Marty napsal(a): M ...znaků, takže je to nepoužitelný, budu asi muset udělat (najít a nahradit) M znak po znaku ty exporty jsou z mysql4, která již neexistuje (odešel disk) M teď tam mám mysql5 a zmršený exporty. takže už to znovu exportovat nelze ...búúú. A co

Re: Invoking from the command line doesn't honor working direrctory [40872]

2007-06-04 Tema obsahu yuvalr
No, I didn't. Is there anywhere a list of changes in this release? --,38253,40872 PSPad freeware editor

Re: Invoking from the command line doesn't honor working direrctory [40873]

2007-06-04 Tema obsahu yuvalr
Ok, I see some list on,40478, but it doesn't include this bug. Was it just omitted from the list? --,38253,40873 PSPad freeware editor

Re: Invoking from the command line doesn't honor working direrctory [40874]

2007-06-04 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
yuvalr: No, I didn't. Is there anywhere a list of changes in this release? Changes are published for each build. Please try the latest