Napad: rozbalenie / zbalenie bloku [41091]

2007-06-19 Tema obsahu lucas
Pracujem hlavne v XHTML, PHP, JS, tak tento napad je ovplyvneny hlavne tymito technologiami, ale mozno by sa to hodilo aj inde. Predstavte si logicky blok, ktory ma zaciatok a koniec...napriklad: if {...}, function aaa () {...}, ... Ked je obsah bloku velmi obsiahly a nepotrebujem s nim robit, t

Re: I can't control the size of "Tool Panel (Ctrl+F2)" if none text file is= opened. [41090]

2007-06-19 Tema obsahu Jan Schreiber
I confirm this with build 2265, but it has never been a problem for me. It is strange that a resize cursor appears when I hover the mouse over the separator line, so I guess it's a bug, though one that is extremely unimportant from my point of view. --

block comment style [41089]

2007-06-19 Tema obsahu madhg
The User Highlighter dialogue has several different styles of block comment, such as {*...*} for example. I'm writing Lilypond code, which has %{...%} as the block comment style. Obviously your dialogue cannot include all possible delimiters in all possible languages. Maybe in a future release

user highlighter problem [41088]

2007-06-19 Tema obsahu madhg
I'm a new user of PSPad. The main reason for me to switch from Crimson and Editplus was PSPad's feature to set a main file in the project dialog which is then used by the compiler. Saves a lot of trouble when compiling projects with many files. I've produced a user highlighter for Lilypond. It h

Re: Špatné zobrazeni logu [41087]

2007-06-19 Tema obsahu Xenostellar
Mám verzi 4.5.3. (2262) a japonské znaky se mi při kompilaci objevují. Používám WinAVR kompilátor. Při kompilaci se taky někdy zasekne a PSPad se musí restartovat. Tyhle problémy už se tu už řešili a zdá se mi, že to nikomu s touhle verzí už nedělá. No mě teda jo :-( Je na řešení nějakej fígl nebo

I can't control the size of "Tool Panel (Ctrl+F2)" if none text file is ope= ned. [41086]

2007-06-19 Tema obsahu chouoo
Hi, I am not sure it is your intention or not. The size of Tool Panel is not adjustable when I close all opened files. Of course, I can see the needed information through shifting horizontal bar. Anyway the size of Tool Panel seems to be fixed when there is no opened file. with regards, cheo

Re: Question about scripts implementation [41085]

2007-06-19 Tema obsahu grigri
Well, I still haven't got around to the rewrite (far too much going on), but we'll have to see if it's still an issue for the new version - it might not be a problem at all. Until then, could you try mashing the keyboard randomly again? Worked last time! --

Re: Question about scripts implementation [41084]

2007-06-19 Tema obsahu andybridges
H. I found that this was causing my copy of PSPad to crash every time I opened the language specific help files. Removed the registry key, and the problem went away. I was getting a "memory could not be read" error. -- PSPad freeware editor ht

awesome thanks [41083]

2007-06-19 Tema obsahu hardone
Hi all, I must say right from the start pspad is amassing and thanks I came from a back ground and moved in to php it was quite a shock as to finding a good editor with the functionality and ease of coding from But using pspad as a base I am getting their I got it running as a porta

Re: Problem s PsPadem, pomaly chod pri startu [41082]

2007-06-19 Tema obsahu David Grudnik
Není třeba zapnuté skriptování, případně dříve editován soubor na síti, která již není dostupná? -- David Příspěvek zaslán emailem. PSPad freeware editor

Re: Problem s PsPadem, pomaly chod pri startu [41081]

2007-06-19 Tema obsahu Pavel Vančák
jj, mam to tu podobny. Vetsinou se to na chvili zlepsi po restartu symantec antiviru. IBM R60, WXPSP2CS, PSPad 2265 -- PSPad freeware editor

Problem s PsPadem, pomaly chod pri startu [41080]

2007-06-19 Tema obsahu lukee
Zdravim vsechny priznivce tohoto skeveleho editoru. Mam s nim mensi problem a chtel bych vas pozadar o radu. Pouzivam file manager TotalCommander a nastavil jsem si ext. program pro editaci souboru (F4) prave PSPad. Problem ale je ze kdyz dam editaci libovolne dlouheho souboru, PsPad se spusti ale