Chybová hláška [41366]

2007-07-16 Tema obsahu BaTeCzKo
Čím může být způsobeno toto? Tato hláške se zobrazuje při spuštění (a dvakrát po sobě). Jinak PSPad funguje normálně. (viz ) Používám Windows 2000 Professional (5.0, Build 2195). --,41366,41366 PSPad freeware editor

Re: Chybová hláška [41367]

2007-07-16 Tema obsahu Pavel Vančák
ze by se necekane jednalo o chybu ve skriptu? je potreb ve podslozce scripts najit prislusny soubor a opravit prislusny radek sloupec nebo proste ten skript smazat. Vany -- Příspěvek zaslán emailem.,41366,41366 PSPad freeware editor

Re: Chybová hláška [41368]

2007-07-16 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
Další možností je zakázat podporu skriptování v PSPadu, pokud se nepoužívá: Nastaveni programu / System [x]Podpora skriptování --,41366,41368 PSPad freeware editor

Re: Chrome Code Explorer [41370]

2007-07-16 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
OK. Easiest way for me is to create code parser for Chrome. In the new build change file type in your highlighter to ftChrome. --,41342,41370 PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.3 (2265) English [41371]

2007-07-16 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
francheu: pspad: _Corrections_ ... Variable evaluation problem (%Date%, %UserName%, ...)

Re: Open Big File [41372]

2007-07-16 Tema obsahu JasonX
pspad: OK. I download your file and unzip it. Include PSPad start 3s, if PSpad is running 2s. WSH is active. Try to copy PSPad.EXE + .\Spell folder into some other place and run it from there. Try to open your file.

PSPad unicode 4.5.3 (2269) Cesky [41373]

2007-07-16 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
Odkazy ke stažení: (1.7 MB) _Poznámky k použití aktualizace:_ CAB archiv obsahuje pouze PSPad.EXE a jazykové soubory. Přepište existující soubory z poslední plné verze _Změny od verze 4.5.3 (2265):_ _Nové věci:_ nová funkce - Celá obrazovka v

PSPad unicode 4.5.3 (2269) English [41374]

2007-07-16 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
Download links: (1.7 MB) _Notes on PSPad update versions:_ this CAB archive contains PSPad.EXE and language files only. Replace existing files from the last full release _Changes to 4.5.3 (2265)_ _News_ FullScreen function (F11) - menu View Code


2007-07-16 Tema obsahu eierfeile81
Hello, today I discovered this awesome tool. But I still have one problem with it. The spell-check is always inactive when the program starts. Is it possible to activate it by standard settings? I didn't find any option. Pls help me. THX! Regards eierfeile --

Re: Search not wrapping to top of the file [41376]

2007-07-16 Tema obsahu jeroenvb
I just installed the new build which was released today (build 2269, English version), and this bug still doesn't seem to be fixed. Could you tell me if this is high on your todo list? The always wrap-feature would be very convenient and as jankzov already said: it worked fine in version 4.5.1.

Re: Chrome Code Explorer [41377]

2007-07-16 Tema obsahu rufus
Thank you. I look forward to being able to use it. --,41342,41377 PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.3 (2269) English [41378]

2007-07-16 Tema obsahu Stefan
Thank you Jan. Question: Is this OK? I see nothing about XHTML in Direct edit mentioned? Jan: Drag/Drop file into XHTML - you can switch odd the CLASS attribute in the Program settings / Direct edit

Re: ADA Code Explorer [41379]

2007-07-16 Tema obsahu penalver
with the beta version 4.5.3b2265, libraries,procedures, functions and types are correctly identified. Variable/Constant definition and usage is not. Here are some sample code pieces. PACKAGE My_Int_Io IS NEW Text_Io.Integer_Io (Integer); RowBound : Constant INTEGER := 9;

Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.3 (2269) Cesky [41380]

2007-07-16 Tema obsahu Michal Kolesa
Proč PSPad nedogenerovává slova ve slovníků ? --,41373,41380 PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.3 (2269) Cesky [41381]

2007-07-16 Tema obsahu Michal Kolesa
Ještě dodatek: Na webu NENÍ nová verze slovníku ! --,41373,41381 PSPad freeware editor

Feature Requests [41382]

2007-07-16 Tema obsahu eric1235711
Hello I have known PSPad for several months, but I only tried a few days ago. I can say that I'm really enjoying it, I'm almost moving from DWMX. I found it very good, but I'm missing some things. I'll ask to the developers some new features. They're not blocking my job, but it should help me


2007-07-16 Tema obsahu Jan Schreiber
I don't think this is possible atm. Just get used to it. --,41375,41383 PSPad freeware editor

Re: Feature Requests [41384]

2007-07-16 Tema obsahu Jan Schreiber
eric1235711: one thing that I find impressive in TextMate is the snippets that boosts up the coding. That's not a problem with PSPad.

Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.3 (2269) Cesky [41385]

2007-07-16 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
A proc by mel dogenerovavat slova ze slovniku? PSPad je primarne urcen jako programatorsky editor. Proc Word nedogenerovava slova ze slovniku? Ano, na webu zatim neni nova verze slovniku, dam ji tam vecer. --,41373,41385 PSPad freeware editor

Re: problems about writing PSPad script [41386]

2007-07-16 Tema obsahu ycjack
Thank you for help! --,41334,41386 PSPad freeware editor