Re: replace all non alphanumeric signs with spaces [63165]

2014-09-17 Tema obsahu trevor12
thank you for advice, I try and add some signs for my need so final regex is: [^a-zA-Záý,íčďéěňřšťúůžČĎÉĚŇŘŠŤÚŽ .!?0-9] -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: replace all non alphanumeric signs with spaces [63164]

2014-09-17 Tema obsahu Andreas Burg
Did you try this? [^a-zA-ZčďéěňřšťúůžČĎÉĚŇŘŠŤÚŽ .!?0-9] _Infos:_ https:// s /en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions _Try it first in a regex tester_: http:// / --

replace all non alphanumeric signs with spaces [63163]

2014-09-17 Tema obsahu trevor12
hello, is it possible use RegEx (in Search-Replace) to clean one my 0,5 mb *.txt file (plain text) from non alphanumeric signs ? For my need (and my Czech language) "alphanumeric" are only a-z, A-Z, č, ď, é, ě, ň, ř, š, ť, ú, ů, ž, Č, Ď, É, Ě, Ň, Ř, Š, Ť, Ú, Ž, space, dot, !, ?, 0-9. Everything el

vycisteni textu od nealfanumerickych znaku-regex [63162]

2014-09-17 Tema obsahu trevor12
dobry den, mam tady jeden velky *.txt soubor (prosty text) a potreboval bych jej "vycistit" od nealfanumerickych znaku (tim myslim odstranit vsechny "atypicke znaky", v podstate se mi jedna aby zustalo jen a-ž, A-Ž, 0-9, tecka, carka otaznik, vykricnik. Myslel jsem ze by to slo udelat pres Najit-N

''0-0-0 0:0:0,0'' is not a valid date and time. [63161]

2014-09-17 Tema obsahu gemGreg
I have a problem with few FTPs. When I try to connect error eppears: ''0-0-0 0:0:0,0'' is not a valid date and time. Error log: Exception class: EConvertError Exception address: 005CF906 Stack l

Re: New file autonaming [63160]

2014-09-17 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
Do you use same PSPad version on both computers? You can transfer settings from one to another. Open Program settings / Backup, click on path in bottom part of form and copy PSPad.ini from tower to your laptop. -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: New file autonaming [63159]

2014-09-17 Tema obsahu joemarfice
Yes, that's what I was doing. I create a new text file. I type "Bob". I hit Ctrl+S. On my tower: The Save dialog comes up with a suggested name of "Bob.txt". On my laptop: The Save dialog comes up with a suggested name of "File1.txt". -- PSPad fr

Feature request: match slashes [63158]

2014-09-17 Tema obsahu therium
PSPad already matches parens, [brackets], and {braces}. I'd like the Perl highlighter to also match /slashes/, which are used for regular expression patterns. Thank you. -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.8 (2485) English [63157]

2014-09-17 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
MadCompie: The COBOL syntax is OK! I had to change the last col to 72 in the highlighter settings ; by default it was 71. Thx! What is

Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.8 (2485) English [63156]

2014-09-17 Tema obsahu MadCompie
The COBOL syntax is OK! I had to change the last col to 72 in the highlighter settings ; by default it was 71. Thx! -- PSPad freeware editor