Re: Delete a line until find the first point if found [67911]

2017-02-12 Tema obsahu Andreas Burg
You also can try this one:
Replace with:
^  - start of string
$  - end of string
.  - any single character
\s - any whitespace character
\. - period "."
*  - zero or more
*? - zero or more ungreedy (lazy)
|  - OR


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Javascript settings [67910]

2017-02-12 Tema obsahu smr
Many thanks, perfect


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 4.6.2 (2745) English [67909]

2017-02-12 Tema obsahu MadCompie
Me too... very often ... once a day... once a week but very annoying
i also use it on win7 64b:-(


PSPad freeware editor