Re: Size of toolbar icons [73680]

2020-06-01 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
It still increase height of toolbar buttons?


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Size of toolbar icons [73679]

2020-06-01 Tema obsahu feef
Jan, the fix with toolbar size didn't work. I think because of the scale was set
to 110% in additional parameters of scale.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.4 (502) English [73678]

2020-06-01 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
You can test bad state with deleting pscache.bin file


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.4 (502) English [73677]

2020-06-01 Tema obsahu Gabriel ACE
Hello again, I already found out why the Pspad was wrong

The reason is that year after year I updated the pspad and over time garbage
files were generated.

This caused an internal conflict with the program.

So the quick solution was to do a clean installation, losing all the settings it
generated in many years of use.

Today the pspad works correctly with the latest beta version

Anyway I have a backup with the pspad version that is in a bad state

If you are interested in reviewing the conflict, I can upload the pspad to the

but if you really do not consider it necessary, no problem, I will reconfigure
my 8 years of modifications on the pspad  


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Loading of user highlighter colors does not work anymore [73676]

2020-06-01 Tema obsahu Professor Bernd

If you have any idea, how to handle it all todether, I am open to do it.

Today I studied the PSPad system, which handles color schemes. And I'm like,
"Wow, this is complex!" Respect for your work!

Ok, I don't know if I can improve on that, it's really good. But maybe I can
come up with an idea that will inspire your concept. I would be happy to send
you my ideas.

If you want, send me a description of the task and how you want to handle the
things. Maybe with rules and hints about folders and files. In the forum the
notification does not work, so please send me the description by _e-mail_,
for better communication. I am looking forward to it. :)



PSPad freeware editor

Re: Automatické doplňování pevných mezer [73675]

2020-06-01 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
Zpětně to regulárními výrazy nejde, ale tam bych to neřešil složitě,
nahradil bych nbsp za mezeru. Na to stačí obyčejný konvertor.
Jinak samozřejmě i druhý konvertor, který bude dělat přesný opak
(nahrazovat konkretni pripady s nbsp za mezeru) by fungoval take.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Automatické doplňování pevných mezer [73674]

2020-06-01 Tema obsahu Rybka
Počítám, že zpětně už to přes regex asi nepůjde, takže to budu muset
vyřešit druhým souborem, nebo by to dovedlo přeložit zpětně i třeba
následující regulár, to znamená z textu který má nbsp na text bez nbsp ?


Můžu hodit ukázku sem, nebo to mám poslat na email k
případné validaci, jestli tam něco není špatně?


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Automatické doplňování pevných mezer [73673]

2020-06-01 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
Něco takového:
Samostatné písmeno s mezerou před a za bude nahrazeno za mezera+pismeno+NBSP
a pár příkladů na předložky




PSPad freeware editor