Re: Nedaří se mi nahrát makro [74546]

2021-01-05 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
Editorem jsem myslel okno s textem.
Pdani textu, posun kurzoru atd se zaznamenava, ale hledani, razeni radku,
spojovani/rozdelovani radku uz ne.


PSPad freeware editor

Another wishlist, [74545]

2021-01-05 Tema obsahu idefix2
[b]Move lines up/down: 
[/b]If I mark a block, I can move the whole block up and down in the source
file. That is great. But if the last line of my block is an empty line, this
empty line does not move together with the rest of the block, it remains at the
place it was.

if the word that is autocompleted is the first word of a line and the line is
indented, the whole word moves a few spaces to the left. The lines 
after hitting the enter key for autocomplete become: 
 (The points in the  section should be spaces, but the forum
software seems to discard leading spaces even in  blocks.)

_Cursor Movement:_ 
In AHK, the semicolumn marks the beginning of a comment. ctrl-left or ctrl-right
jump to the previous/next word, alas it does not stop at semicolumns.

_Mouse wheel: _
Since Windows 10, the mouse wheel usually scrolls the window under the cursor,
regardless, which window has the focus. This is a very useful feature, but
somehow it does not work in PSPad in split screen mode (display the same file in
two windows). In that case, PSPad always scrolls the focused window, even if the
mouse position is in another window. The feature works if you edit two different
files side by side.

_Intelligent autocomplete:_ 
When the next characters of the autocomplete word are already in place,
autocomplete should move the cursor to the right instead of adding the
characters that are already present:
Suppose I want to type the variable cmdbaselength.
I type too quickly and write "cdmbase" - at that moment I realize that I have
made a typing error, and go back to correct cdm -> cmd.
Now the word written is cmdbase, but the cursor is between the "d" and the "b".
autocomplete proposes cmdbaselength, but the characters "base" are already in
place, to the right of the cursor.
If I hit enter, autocomplete completes my "cmd" to "cmdbaselength", and the word
becomes "cmdbaselengthbase" instead of "cmdbaselength", because "base" was
already there. In such a scenario, it would be better if the cursor moved over
"base" and only "length" would be inserted.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Nedaří se mi nahrát makro [74544]

2021-01-05 Tema obsahu Motylek

Makro zaznamenává pouze akce v editoru.

Nerozumím. Ctrl A není akce v editru a Ctrl C je akce v editoru? Jaká je
definice "akce v editoru"?


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Nedaří se mi nahrát makro [74543]

2021-01-05 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
Makro zaznamenává pouze akce v editoru.
Nebude jednodussí přiřadit klávesovou zkratku k funkci spojit řádky?
nastavení programu / Mapa kláves


PSPad freeware editor

Nedaří se mi nahrát makro [74542]

2021-01-05 Tema obsahu Motylek
Potřebuju makro, které mi pospojuje řádky. Zmáčknu tedy tlačítko
nahrávání maker a na klávesnici píšu:
Ctrl A
ALt YPS (připadně myší vyberu Úpravy - Operace s řádky - Spojit řádky)
Ctrl A
Ctrl C
A stisknu tlačítko pro ukončení nahrávání.

Marko se uloží, ale nic nedělá. Když se na něj podívám, tak tam je:
-prázdný řádek-
-prázdný řádek-
-prázdný řádek-

Poraďte prosím. Mám chybu v postupu? Nebo je třeba změnit nějaké


PSPad freeware editor