
2021-11-08 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
Some application doesn't bring any advantage if they are 64b. They are not faster or something like it. And e.g. Windows Scripting Host (WSH scripting support used in PSPad) isn't supported from MS side in the 64b. It's not my idea. I hope I will break this limit in 64b applications too, but it ne


2021-11-08 Tema obsahu rsbrux
My dilemma is similar to that described in this post (viz https://forum.pspad.com/read.php?2,76709,76709#msg-76709 ). For historical reasons I have both the 32 bit and the 64 bit versions of PSPad installed , but am unsure whether I still need the 32-bit version. Is there any reason to keep it?

Re: Multiple projects open at the same time [76773]

2021-11-08 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
Hello If application is installed in program files, some options require to write into program folder. Start PSpad as admin, change settings and save it. Than start PSpad normally -- PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

Multiple projects open at the same time [76772]

2021-11-08 Tema obsahu ser45
I have not been able to find out how to do the above. One (old) suggestion was to have multiple instances of PSPad running, but the Program Settings -> System Integration menu will not allow me to uncheck "Only One Program Instance" (there is a red dot beside it). Is there another way? --