wrong text wrapping in build 2269 and 2271 [41829]

2007-08-14 Tema obsahu Bobf
The behavior of PSPad build 2269 and 2271 has changed in case of the text
wrapping. The last "working" build was 2265.

When you write a simple text (text mode) and the text is wrapping the next line
has a blank on the begin. (the text wrapping is enabled)

text text text text text text text text text text text 
text text text text text 

text text text text text text text text text text text
(blank)text text text text
When a simple text was copied and insert into a txt in some cases a blank line
was added too.

text text text text text text text text text text text
text text text text text

text text text text text text text text text text text 
   (blank line)
text text text text text text

I use a position of right edge of 71, but i occurs also with other values.
When i switched the text wrapping of, or us the enable the "show/hide spaces" no
spaces are between the words 
There are some changes in case of the word wrapping ?
If yes which ?
There was a text wrapping issue in a old build and was fixed with 2262 .. 
Is this the same problem as in the past or a new ?

rgs Bob


PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

text wrapping doesn't works correct in 2275 [42350]

2007-09-20 Tema obsahu Bobf
Hello Jan,
i'm using since a long time your great PSpad, but with the last few betas i'm a
little bit unsatisfied.
because i use the PSpad also from some TXT files. so when i instert a text or
write a text the text would be wrapped in the right mark (as defined in the
After wrapping,  the text starts at the next line with a space. You can see
this, when you enable show/hide space...
I know there was a problem in a older build and was fixed in 2265... but now the
problem reoccurs.
So please explain me, why is this changed and is there  a way to fix this

I have already sent two screenshots to you, where you can see what i mean.
with build 2275 the new line will begin always with a space. This is wrong ?

Other editors like notepad++, textpad, or UltraEdit doesn't show this behavior.

Please fix this !!!

many thanks Bob


PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: text wrapping doesn't works correct in 2275 [42558]

2007-10-01 Tema obsahu Bobf
Hello Thierry, 

it seems we are the only one with this problem.
Also the latest build 2280 has still this problem.
I have sent Jan a mail, but without response. :-(
I still hope for a fixed build soon. 



PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: text wrapping doesn't works correct in 2275 [42936]

2007-10-18 Tema obsahu Bobf
Hello Jan,
i new build is out now (2282) but the problem is still there. There are a lot of
bug fixes, and when will be this bug fixed ?? 
I think this could not be a big problem. ;-) 
I hope very soon for a solution.

rgs Bob


PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: text wrapping doesn't works correct in 2275 [43050]

2007-10-26 Tema obsahu Bobf
Hello Jan,

today the build 2283 is out. But the old problem still exists. Please fix old
bugs before add some new features.
When did you fix finally this bug ?
Is this to diffcult ?

many thanks Bob


PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: text wrapping doesn't works correct in 2275 [43059]

2007-10-26 Tema obsahu Bobf

many thanks for the quick response, but as i know we had the same or similar
problem in the past and was fixed in 2265. So is the new problem different from
old one ?

>From the build 2265
" WordWrap with right edge mark was limited to 256. There is a problem with
cursor for higher values yet. ""

I still have the hope for a fix asap.

many thanks Bob


PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: text wrapping doesn't works correct in 2275 [43065]

2007-10-26 Tema obsahu Bobf
Ok, so can your receate this problem too?
Or do need some more examples? I sent you in the past some screenshots. How can
i support you?


PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: text wrapping doesn't works correct in 2275 [43102]

2007-10-29 Tema obsahu Bobf

i checked the build 2284 and it sounds good.
The problem seem to be fixed.

many thanks Bob


PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

text wrapping doesn't works correct 2303 !!! old issue [44803]

2008-02-10 Tema obsahu Bobf
Hello Jan,

the latest official build 2298 fixed the text wrapping issue. (remember my old
Now the latest beta 2303 shows this issue again. :(
Please copy a part of the PSPAD readme into a new  TXT in PSPAD 2303 (more that
3 lines!!)
The second and third line stars with a blank.

Please go ahead to fix this.

many thanks and rgs Bob


PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: text wrapping doesn't works correct 2303 !!! old issue [44806]

2008-02-10 Tema obsahu Bobf
Hello Jan,

the screenshots was sent to you.

rgs Bob


PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: text wrapping doesn't works correct 2303 !!! old issue [44807]

2008-02-10 Tema obsahu Bobf
Hello Jan,

just for your info. The pspad build 2301 works without this  problem.
So the "bug" comes with 2303! 

rgs Bob


PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: text wrapping doesn't works correct 2303 !!! old issue [44827]

2008-02-11 Tema obsahu Bobf
Many thanks Jan.

rgs Bob


PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: text wrapping doesn't works correct 2303 !!! old issue [44824]

2008-02-11 Tema obsahu Bobf
Hello Jan,

so you understand it and can recreate the problem?
Is there a solution in the next build possible?
That would be great.

rgs Bob


PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.4 (2315) English [45667]

2008-04-01 Tema obsahu Bobf
Hello Jan,

i can recreate this behavior. The problem with the [Strono] button is in the
PSPAD.exe 2315. The PSPAD.exe 2314 shows still [Abbrechen] which PSPAD is
running in German.

rgs Bob


PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

undefined error using script Soubory u projektu [47510]

2008-09-04 Tema obsahu Bobf
Hello Jan,

i'm using the 2331 build of PSPAD.
If you try to open from the Menu -> scripts the "Soubory u projektu" i get
always the following error.


 [ OK ]  
(see my mail to you also)

i'm not sure if this is a PSPAS standard script or a wrong entry in the script

rgs Bob


PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: undefined error using script Soubory u projektu [47535]

2008-09-05 Tema obsahu Bobf
Hello Jan,

many thanks for your feedback. Yes that's is.
I have now translate the menu entry in the Pokus.vbs.
"Soubory v projektu" = "number of files in the project"
The menu is now clear to me.

rgs Bob


PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.4 (2335) English [48331]

2008-11-25 Tema obsahu Bobf
Hello Jan,
i have the same problem in german.
When you set interface language to "German" and click on the "File" menu, you'll
notice "NovĂ˝..." instead of "New...".
I download today 25th Nov. the buid 2335 again, but it's still the same.
rgs Bob


PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.4 (2335) English [48332]

2008-11-25 Tema obsahu Bobf
Hi ArekS,

i have the same problem, and it's important for me too.
When i past text with more than 1700 characters into  PsPad and Word Wrap is on,
PsPad crashes with an exception, and the exception runs into a loop. In this
case i must kill the pspad process.
In build 2331 i got the exception too, but there i could acknowldge the
exception and could still work with PsPad.
So i think this should be fixed.

rgs Bob


PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

A-squared gets false report for PSPadShell.dll [49086]

2009-02-18 Tema obsahu Bobf

today i scanned my system with a-squared (latested build and updates).
A-squared detect in the PSPadShell.dll the Trojan.ATRAPS!IK.
I'm using PSPad 2342.

Is this known?

rgs Bob


PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com


2013-01-15 Tema obsahu Bobf
Hi Jan,

the latest PSPad build is beta 4.5.7 (2449).
When will a new final or new beta build available?

rgs Bob


PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.8 (2453) English [60221]

2013-02-19 Tema obsahu Bobf
Hi Jan,

any problems with the source location?

404 - File or directory not found.
The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed,
or is temporarily unavailable.



PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.8 (2453) English [60226]

2013-02-20 Tema obsahu Bobf
many thanks, that's works.



PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: PSPad unicode 4.6.0 (2657) English [64846]

2015-04-07 Tema obsahu Bobf
Hi Jan,
the pspad460b2657.zip shows after apply the beta code a version 4.5.0 instead of
Can you please correct this?
many thanks.


PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: PSPad unicode 4.6.0 (2657) English [64850]

2015-04-07 Tema obsahu Bobf
Thanks Jan,
i downloaded it again and the new package solved the problem. the version is now



PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: PSPad unicode 4.6.0 (2660) English [65152]

2015-05-19 Tema obsahu Bobf
The same to, 
the seach window keeps open.
Can you please fix it?

many thanks Bob


PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: PSPad unicode 4.6.0 (2660) English [65157]

2015-05-19 Tema obsahu Bobf
Ok Jan,
so why has the behaviour changed from 2658 to 2660?
I like the old behaviour.
Would it be possible to get the old behaviour back?

rgs Bob


PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: PSPad unicode 4.6.0 (2660) English [65159]

2015-05-20 Tema obsahu Bobf
That's great!
many thanks Jan

rgs BobF

PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: PSPad unicode 4.6.0 (2661) English [65288]

2015-05-28 Tema obsahu Bobf
Hello Jan,

many thanks about the "Cancel answer during close process" it works perfect.

I have still another question.
PSPad can't open TXT files larger than 200 MB, because i get always an
out-of-Memory on a Win7 64bit with 8GB RAM.
Is there any switch which i can turn on to open big files?

many thanks Bob


PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: PSPad unicode 4.6.0 (2661) English [65290]

2015-05-28 Tema obsahu Bobf
Hi Jan,
file sent.



PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: PSPad unicode 4.6.0 (2661) English [65292]

2015-05-28 Tema obsahu Bobf
Ok, would it be possible to enhance PSPAD to read such large files in UTF8 as



PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: PSPad unicode 4.6.0 (2661) English [65300]

2015-05-29 Tema obsahu Bobf
Hi Human,
i agree with you. i use always two editors, because i have to analyze large
files. So if PsPad can handle large files as well, that would be brilliant.



PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: PSPad unicode 4.6.0 (2661) English [65302]

2015-05-29 Tema obsahu Bobf
a good example about this is RJ-Texted (rj-texted.se)



PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

4.6.1 (2703) build issue [66116]

2015-10-15 Tema obsahu Bobf
Hi Jan,
when you apply the latest beta build 2703 and run "check for updates" a new
build is available "4.6.1(2703)" ..
Seems there is a blank missing between the 4.6.1 and (2703)

rgs Bob


PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: PSPad unicode 4.6.1 (2011) English [66706]

2016-03-10 Tema obsahu Bobf
hello Jan,

many thanks for the new build, but my pspad shows 2711 instead of 2011.



PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: PSPad unicode 4.6.1 (2011) English [66707]

2016-03-10 Tema obsahu Bobf
another issue i have with this build is.
when you a searching within a file and select [List], even the argument is
multiple times in the file, it find nothing.
back to 2707 and it works.



PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: PSPad unicode 4.6.1 (2011) English [66712]

2016-03-10 Tema obsahu Bobf
Thanks Jan,

what's about seach in files issue?
You are able to re-create it`



PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: PSPad unicode 4.6.1 (2714) English [66803]

2016-03-24 Tema obsahu Bobf
Hi Jan,

i'm not sure if it was working in previous build, but it's a odd behaviour.

open Find (CTRL+F). put a search string in [Find:] and uncheck []Add line
even the lines are unchecked, in the Search Result the lines are displayed on
the begin of each line, which should not.

Is that a normal behaviour?


PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (204) English [68797]

2017-05-12 Tema obsahu Bobf
Hi Jan,

it seems the "Search / Replace in Files" doesn't works in the 204 build.
create some files and search for a word within the files. The result is always 0
nothing found.
Go back to v4 or a build like v5 191, there it's still working with the same
search argument and the same files. 
Is that known?



PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (204) English [68817]

2017-05-14 Tema obsahu Bobf
Hello Jan,

sorry for the delay. Yes you are right the problem was the codepage in the "Find
/Search in File" menu. The codepage was set to "Unicode UTF 16 little endian
(1200)" , after setting back to UTF-8 BOM, the search result are displayed as

a big thanks

PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (204) English [68821]

2017-05-15 Tema obsahu Bobf
many thanks Jan.


PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (211) English [68863]

2017-05-18 Tema obsahu Bobf
as a workround, open a new empty document, and close all other tabs, and the new
empty tab at last,PsPad will not get the exception crash.


PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.3 (371) English [72710]

2020-01-30 Tema obsahu Bobf
many thanks Jan, about the new build, unfortunately there is bad behaviour with
the icons on the menu.. some of them are disappear.. you need to hover with the
mouse over the icons to bring them back. i can send you a screenshot, as soon
that's fixed where can i download the previous built? 
many thanks Bob


PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.3 (371) English [72711]

2020-01-30 Tema obsahu Bobf
i went back to pspad503b367 and it works as expected.
rgs Bob


PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.4 (505) English [73724]

2020-06-09 Tema obsahu Bobf
Hello Jan,

it seems PSpad  5.0.4 (32bit) still has problems with tab restore and systray. 
env Windows 10 Enterprise 64bit PSpad 5.0.4 (32bit).
- open pspad and open e.g 4 tabs. 
- write into all 4 tabs.. something 
- assume the setting is enabled (press X, minimise to Systray )
- click on X, PSpad will minimised to Systray
- click on the PSpad icon in the Systray to restore it.
- PSpad comes back, but only one tab is open, the rest is closed.

rgs Bob


PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.4 (505) English [73737]

2020-06-10 Tema obsahu Bobf
Jan, the same with my pspad.ini, i sent?
you are able to recreate it?


PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.4 (511) English [73812]

2020-06-22 Tema obsahu Bobf
Hello Jan, 
i still have the problem with the restore from systray.
Open 3 Files, and set Pspad into Systray. 
restore from Systray only one Tab is restored.

rgs Bob


PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.4 (511) English [73818]

2020-06-23 Tema obsahu Bobf
hello Jan,

> open two TXT files from the same local drive like C:  est\Bob1.txt and
> click on the X to move PSpad into the Systray
> on the Systray, right mouse click on PSpad and select -> "Restore last State"
> PSpad comes up, with only New1.txt and the other 2 TXT files are gone

Please keep in your mind i sent you already my pspad.ini

rgs Bob


PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.4 (511) English [73824]

2020-06-23 Tema obsahu Bobf
Hello Jan,
it doesn't matter if Pspad is english or german,the behavior is still the same.
The Recent.INI file was good hint.
I opened pspad and the Recent.INI has 157 lines.
Then i opened two files, and expect them to see it in the ini or the number of
lines goes to 159. but nothing.
I renamed the old one, and a new one was created, but same result
I use Pspad from the portable zip file (5.0.3 (377)) and use the zip from the
As you can see from my Pspad.ini, it's not installed under "Program Files" or
any other standard folder.
I use Windows 10(1909) Enterprise.
Which line would i see when i opened this two files?



PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.4 (511) English [73827]

2020-06-23 Tema obsahu Bobf
I had 36 Items in the Recent file list,
I cleared all these files -> Clear recent files list, and restarted pspad.
Opened two files and they are visible under [Recent] Item0 / Item1.
Minimize pspad to systray and restore it, pdpad comes with an empty
but the two files with  the Item0 / Item1 are still under [Recent] in the ini
I have no [SaveWork] in the Recent.ini.
Do i need enable something to get the [SaveWork] ?



PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.4 (511) English [73840]

2020-06-23 Tema obsahu Bobf
Hi Jan,
when i set Files -> Save Work / Desktop -> All opened Files, then it works and
restored all files.
Now i have a [Save Work] stanza in the Recent.ini too.

rgs Bob


PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.4 (511) English [73854]

2020-06-24 Tema obsahu Bobf
Ok Jan,


PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.4 (531) English [74312]

2020-10-16 Tema obsahu Bobf
Hello Jan, 
the new build 531 will not found running PSpasd "check for updates".
527 is still shown as lastest Dev build.

rgs Bob


PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com