
2014-02-21 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Dirk: ... Or may be one first just could add (by search replace) http:// to each single www. not leaded by http or https or so and then you use the pattern provided by PSPad. And a regex only extracting the www.


2014-02-21 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Dirk: Thank you very much vbr. cite: This would be possible, however, in multiple steps - the simplest way I can see would be, to


2014-02-22 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Dirk: Thank you vbr. cite: www\. with: www. and then: (https?://)http:// with

Re: Regulárny výraz [62113]

2014-03-03 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
AD7: Zdravím, mám jeden log súbor a jeden záznam je na troch riadkoch ako to dám (spojím) do jedného (každé 3 riadky na jeden)?

Re: Nahrazování textu v big big souboru [62215]

2014-03-25 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Zdravim, zkousel jsem pocitani na pravidelnem generovanem zhruba 100MB textu - cisla 1-1 000 000 na stoznakovych radcich - a zde jaou casy kratsi - spocitani vyskytu zvoleneho triciferneho cisla (4000 nalezu) trva v beznem hledani asi 5 sekund, s aktivovanim regulernich vyrazu asi minutu;

Re: New clip using CTL-SH-S doesn't work [62231]

2014-03-28 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
therium: Win 7 with PSPad 4.5.7 I created a new clip (by highligting the text, then doing Tools, Create Clip From Block) in the Perl library, and gave it a shortcut of CTL-SH-S. This clip was to insert a blank

Re: Perl highlighter has bugs with dbl quotes in regex [62232]

2014-03-28 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
therium: Win 7 with PSPad 4.5.7 This will help explain it: http://imgur.com/3wW1tK8 Double quotes in a Perl regex do not have to be escaped. So the Perl highlighter in PS Pad does not work correctly. Since I have


2014-03-31 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
therium: PSPad 4.5.7 How do I turn off autocomplete? I'm writing a Perl program and this box full of words keeps popping up when I'm typing a command. I couldn't find this info in the help file either even though I

Re: Kontrola poctu zavorek v batch souboru [62306]

2014-04-10 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
lazna: Obcas se mi stane ze v rozsahlejsi smycce FOR /F vynecham zavorku a script nefunguje. Docela by se mi hodilo kdyby se dal nad oznacenym textem hledat pocet zavorek a v pripade ze jich bude lichy pocet to vyhodi

Re: Navrhy na zlepsenie [62415]

2014-05-05 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Zdravim, nektere z navrhu se castecne zminovaly drive, neco je i dostupne v nastavenich: Na pozici one svisle cary reauji nektere funkce editoru - Napr. volitelne: zalamovani radku; pripadne: Format: Formatovani bloku: Preformatovat ... Pokud se nic z toho nevyuziva, lzde caru posunout doprava

Re: Odstranění duplicitních řádků [62456]

2014-05-13 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
aleskva: Dobře dobře, to byl jenom příklad převzatý z té webové stránky, kterou jsem používat před tím, než se to dostalo do PSPadu. Prostě bych rád byl informován o tom, které řádky byly duplicitní - stačí číslo

Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.8 (2481) Cesky [62539]

2014-06-03 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Zdravim, v aktualni verzi 4.5.8 (2481) jsem si vsiml zpomaleneho vykresleni nekterych casti programu pri startu v maximalizovane podobe. Po spusteni jsou ikony nastroju zobrazeny jen zlomkovite, na miste jejich pruhu je systemove sede pozadi, take je sede pozadi misto spodni tretiny okna, kde by

Re: Wrong compare result [62784]

2014-07-22 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Makinero: Is it possible to compare the PSPad in a similar way as in Python? if so, how? a1=set(open('file1.txt','rb').readlines()) a2=set(open('file2.txt','rb').readlines()) result=list(a2-a1)

Re: Wrong compare result [62787]

2014-07-23 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
pspad: Maybe i dont understand you. you can select 2 files, use right mouse and directly call PSPad diff to see text diff result in one step

Re: Pomoc s regulárnym výrazom [63222]

2014-09-22 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
AD7: Potrebujem v HTML nájsť tieto tagy (mení sa obsah I2Ab1) span id=I2Ab1-/span a nahradiť ho za iný tag, kde by som použil $1.

Re: trying my first extension [63363]

2014-10-02 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Gorlash: I want a delete line function which copies the deleted line to clipboard, so I can paste it elsewhere using Ctrl-V. I tried copying Serge Balance's del_end_best script, and changing it to my requirements,

Re: Sorting IP Addresses [63743]

2014-11-15 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
BudMan: I have a need to sort IP addresses. I can use GNU sort, but that is not available on an MS Windows machine. Plus, I want to be able to sort the addresses within PSPad. The syntax for GNU Sort is this: sort -n

Re: Regulárny výraz n-tá časť URL adresy [63943]

2014-12-09 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
AD7: Zdravím, potrebujem extrahovať často v url n-tú časť. Napr. v URL: http: // www.examples.com/ path1/path2/path3/default.html (medzery sú naviac ) Jak zostaviť regulárny výraz pre získanie napr. 'path2' ?

Re: AltGr+E místo € vrací Escape [63995]

2014-12-18 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
JosefZ: Windows, standardní čeká klávesnice QWERTZ. Skoro všechny aplikace (namátkou notepad, iexplore, cmd, ...) stisk AltGr+E interpretují jako € (znak měny Euro, hexadecimálně ANSI 0x80 nebo v UTF 0xAC20). Ne tak

Re: Create a list. [64014]

2014-12-25 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
maki: h t tp://example.com/?from=_[color=#00F000]20[/color]_ h t tp://example.com/?from=_[color=#00F000]40[/color]_ h t tp://example.com/?from=_[color=#00F000]780[/color]_ number changes every 20 20, 40, 80, 100 ..

Re: using various languages [64293]

2015-02-17 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
patforkin: Hallo! I have just joined but am not a programmer. For the languages I will write in, I need to have various langugae dictionaries. They are, to begin with, English GB and not US), German and French. Are

Re: PSPad unicode 4.6.0 (2652) Cesky [64509]

2015-03-08 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Zdravim a chci podekovat za novou plnou verzi i aktualni betu. Chtel bych se zeptat, jestli nynejsi bile zvyrazneni aktivni zalozky nahrazuje jeji podtrzeni z plne verze, nebo je nejak mozne tento zpusob nastavit. Mam deaktivovane styly windows a podtrzeni mi osobne vyhovovalo moc dobre - bile

Re: Znovuvyvolání dialogového okna pro úpravu tagu. [64467]

2015-03-07 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
pspad: Stary Homesite je jen HTML editor, ma natvrdo dialogy na jednotlive tagy (a pouze pro ne). Dialogy v PSPadu jsou dynamicke, vznikaji na zaklade definice. Uzivatel si je muze prizpusobovat jak jej napadne pro

fokus okna s nahledem HTML pri prvnim vyvolani [64748]

2015-04-01 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Zdravim, vsiml jsem si nedavno necekaneho chovani okna s nahledem HTML stranky vyvolaneho z kodu F10 - zda se, ze neni hned uplne nastaven fokus stranky, prestoze okno nahledu je zvyraznene (s neaktivnim oknem PSPadu s kodem na pozadi). Napr. pri vyvolani dialogu hledani Ctrl+F se zobrazi dialog

Re: U+XXXXX characters at status bar [64702]

2015-03-29 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
pspad: Statusbar is unicode component, but I don't know how to recognize that char is surrogate pair. Editor presents it as 2 characters.

Re: U+XXXXX characters at status bar [64705]

2015-03-29 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
pspad: This isn't problem. But in case when is it surrogate pair, I need to read 2 bytes and calculate real char code. How can I know if it is surrogate pair? Is it rule that surrogate pair starts always with D8xx

Re: azbuka - proc se mi korektne nezobrazi [64685]

2015-03-28 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
ThunderBoy: Nebudem vytvarat nove vlakno, kedze sa jedna o rovnaky problem. Uz ma to fakt stve. Este nikdy sa mi v PSPad nepodarilo otvorit subor s rustinou spravne a PSPad pouzivam uz 10 rokov. Vzdy mi namiesto

Re: Konfigurovateľné menu a toolbary [64441]

2015-03-05 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
AD7: Zdravím vás, používam PSPad mnoho rokov ale stále ma trápi viac vecí. Jednou z nich je pomerne zložitá štruktúra menu. ... Hodila by sa mi možnosť prepínania medzi súčasným (plným menu so všetkými

Re: Line replaced by gibberish characters / Nesmyslné znaky nahrazují = řádek [65342]

2015-06-09 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Zdravim, od pohledu to opravdu vypada na chybne prekodovani mezi utf-8 a lokalnimi kodovanimi, ke kteremu by z nejakych duvodu doslo - pripadne se ztratou casti bajtu nebo spatnym prirazenim skupin bajtu pro znaky. Da se chybny segment zkopirovat jako text a vlozit sem vedle originalniho zpravneho

Re: Unicode Converter [65452]

2015-06-27 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Hi, the following converter code seems to be working for me (saved as utf-8 encoded ini file in \PSPad\Convert\ I suspect, there might be a problem in handling unicode characters outside of the basic range up to 0x; such as the used one: đ

Re: Infinite loop while doing search and replace. [65465]

2015-07-01 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
anilk3000: Hi All, I stumbled on an issue with search and replace, which is causing infinite loop. what i did was replace a word with \nword i.e. new line and same word. expected was that all the occurrence of the

Re: zvyrazneni tabu aktualniho textoveho okna [65720]

2015-08-18 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Moc dekuju! Takhle je to myslim flexibilni pro vsechna uziti i nynejsi zvyrazneni. zdravim, vbr -- http://forum.pspad.com/read.php?1,65712,65720 PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: basic scripting instructions [65648]

2015-08-07 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
rcook: I am a computer programmer, expert in a couple of languages and competent in a few more. I cannot figure out how to write and execute scripts for PSPad. I want to write a simple script and execute it with a

Re: Python Scripting [65646]

2015-08-07 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
pythonui: Success ! But when running script getting error ! pspad.addMenuItem(Example function, PySample sample, beispiel) Could you please tell me what is 'pspad' in this case? I know this can be class or module

Re: basic scripting instructions [65656]

2015-08-07 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
pspad: VBR, why didn't you use the ecDeleteLine command instead of your complicated code? Hi, at the time I wrote the original answer

Re: Python Scripting [65663]

2015-08-08 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Hi, I'm glad it helped; indeed, the mangled formatting is rather unfriendly for python code...; at least the quoting trick seems to work ok. This is exactly the oppourtunity for python scripting, where you can reuse a ready made function in the json module. Just a small tip - you can open any

Re: Bug in Replace [65554]

2015-07-23 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Hi, I believe, this behaviour is correct for the mentioned pattern - if the preceding end of line is selected and the caret is at the beginning of the fourth line, ^ also matches this position. You can either stop the selection at the previous line, as you noticed, or modify the pattern to reflect

Re: menu Skripty - řazení [66228]

2015-11-11 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Zdravim, myslim, ze razeni skriptu by bylo mozne zprehlednit, ale pevne abecedni razeni by ale melo i nevyhody, pokud je potreba konkretni poradi polozek menu; pokud by se zavedlo, byl bych pro moznost vypnuti. Predpokladam, ze zvlast vytvorene uzivatelske rozhrani nebo konfiguracni soubor pro

Re: get rid of xml version [65495]

2015-07-08 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
dougraider: I've made a bad adjustment, somewhere, and now, every time I capture a file to put in pspad, it sticks this note at the top of the file and treats is like a html file. ?xml version=1.0

Re: Hexadecimální zobrazení [65739]

2015-08-25 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Zdravim, nevim bohuzel presne, jake jsou hodnoty onech znaku v jednotlivych kodovanich - ale hexadecimalni zobrazeni pracuje ruzne podle zpusobu spusteni. Pri primem otevreni souboru v hexadecimalni podobe se zobrazi primo obsah na disku, pri prepnuti textove otevreneho souboru do hexadecimalniho

Re: PSPad unicode 4.6.0 (2671) Cesky [65843]

2015-09-13 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Zdravim, chtel bych podekovat za doplneni parametru MarkCurrentFileTab, zvyraznovanu tabu mi takhle maximalne vyhovuje. Chtel bych se jeste ujistit ohledne nove svisle cary na pozici kurzoru. Pri jeji aktivaci se pak ztrati puvodni svisla cara pro zalamovani radku nebo preformatovani radek; je to


2015-09-14 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Zdravim, za urcitych okolnosti by uvedeny postup slo zapracovat do skriptu. Nejdulezitejsi omezeni se tyka "pokrocilejsich" znaku, diakritiky apod. - znaku mimo aktualni narodni znakovou sadu (treba windows 1250) - ostatni znaky jsou na skriptovem rozhrani momentalne bohuzel nahrazeny za

Re: Go To Line [65976]

2015-09-26 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
pspad: VBR, better is use topLineIndex() funstion. You know number of lines in the window - linesInWindow() Half of it is center line - caretY position. So you need to set top line to CaretY position - half of the

Re: Go To Line [65973]

2015-09-26 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
pythonui: Yes ! setCaretPos(x, y) working great but its not set the center of editor .. Any workaround ? Hi, you could probably use

Re: Klávesové skratky pohyb po reťazci a tagoch [66021]

2015-10-02 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
AD7: Zdravím, mám napr. tento HTML kód: Dlhý text. existujú v PSPad-e nasledovné nožnosti/klávesové skratky? - jak sa dostať z )

Re: Go To Line [65979]

2015-09-26 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Ok, thanks, I forgot, we can even set topLine this way (not only determine the value). vbr -- PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: Preserve UTF-8 characters in Javascript Extension [66424]

2016-01-04 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
YeO: I have written a Javascript extension to do some cleanup of a text file. However, it does not preserve UTF-8 character and returns '?' where such characters were found. How can I preserve the original character ?

Re: Macro feature does not function in Windows-10 [66460]

2016-01-09 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
hlk123: Hello Since recently I use Windows-10. Now I cannot use "PSPad Macro" because if I press Ctrl+F5 then Windows-10 reacts so as if I search for a computer .. and I get an error message from "active directory"

Re: Regex replace not working across broken lines [66371]

2015-12-20 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Hi, unfortunately, this is one limitation of the searching implementaion in PSPad (that might be enhanced in future). Searching works on individual lines rather than on the whole text at once, hence the match cannot cross the newline boundary, as your pattern would require. There are some


2015-12-27 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Hi, just a wild guess, could this problem be possibly connected with code-clips insertion? The offending code in the previous picture http://forum.pspad.com/read.php?4,66144#msg-66356 looks similar to the default code template to "foreach" in php. Was this template eventually used prior to saving


2015-11-26 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
dirks: I was too curious to let it be until much later... Bad news: The selector for the "Scripts" drop-down menu (between "Tools" and "HTML") is not shown when PSPad is running in the virtual machine, it is only


2015-11-25 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
dirks: Hi vbr, it works like charm, I just tried :-D And it solves my problem in the first place :) Yay! :-D Thank you very much! Right now I'm undecided whether using a script is worth the effort, but I'd need to


2015-11-25 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
dirks: For a comparison I need to sort blocks of XML lines. The original order is this: What I wanted is that the blocks are sorted by the name of the xxx_key_id and that the


2015-11-26 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Hi, I'd like to add some clearer specification to the code posted above: http://forum.pspad.com/read.php?2,66273#msg-66284 It changes the whole content of the editor window with the sorted text - it is probably ok for the given sample text which only contains the XML elements, that should be


2015-11-26 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Hi, you are welcome, I am glad it helped. As for the encoding limitation, if it is German text and you are using a system which supports it within its windows-ansi codepage, such as windows 1252, it should be ok. Or better yet, if you use the version with selection, which will only contain the

Re: chybna detekce zmeneneho souboru (s nahledem html) [66479]

2016-01-13 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Zdravim, u me se nyni problem projevuje konzistentne i na ruznych pocitacich (vsechny Win7, build 2707) pri uvedenem postupu: Nove spustim PSPad; v (automaticky vytvorenem) soubor Novy1.txt ze stavoveho radku zmenim typ na HTML; napisu do okna treba "qwe"; ulozim soubor na disk; pripisu jeste

chybna detekce zmeneneho souboru (s nahledem html) [66472]

2016-01-12 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Zdravim, nedavno jsem narazil na problem s chybnou detekci zmeneneho souborou s dialogem nabizejicim znovunacteni z disku; projevy (a mozne nasledky) jsou podobne jako je zmineno v jinem vlakne: http://forum.pspad.com/read.php?4,66372 Kontext chyby je ale mozna jiny. Nespravne nadbytecne hlaseni

Re: real tabs become chars [67085]

2016-06-05 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
webshaker: Hi. Is there any way to reinstalle the 4.5.9 pspad version ? Since I've update pspad to 4.6.0 version, sometimes, while I have asked for real tab, PSPAD decide to use space chars instead. I've upgraded

Re: Najit-Nahradit porovnanim proti Czech.3-2-4.dic [67130]

2016-06-19 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
trevor12: dobry den, mam tady *.txt soubor (1,3 MB), ktery vznikl automatickym rozpoznanim OCR a zustalo v nem hodne nesmyslnych (tj. castecne nerozpoznanych) slov. Nemam ambici aby mi pspad automaticky provedl


2016-01-11 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
rovf: I have downloaded PsPad from http://www.fosshub.com/PSPad.html/pspad460en.zip (which is the link which can be reached from the PsPad download page). After unzipping, I started PsPad.exe, but the user

Re: Search and Replace Newlines [66493]

2016-01-15 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
WebUpdateWizard: Hi, ... I would like to replace the newline (line break) characters with commas, so that all 4 names are on a single line. ... Pete

Re: 4.6.1 (2707) external diff tool: Paths broken if they contain spaces [6= 6482]

2016-01-14 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
syntech: I just found out that paths to external diff tools won't work if they contain spaces somewhere. ... Hi, I haven't checked

Re: Hledat a nahradit [66594]

2016-02-20 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
malý_jarda: Zdravím všechny příznivce báječného programu PSPad. Nevím si rady s následujícím. Potřebuji ve všech souborech html vyhledat následující řetězec: 124, kde číslo může být 1-3 ciferné.A pouze celé, tak aby

Re: obsah souboru byl změnen [66702]

2016-03-09 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
pspad: Chybu jsem nasel a opravil. V dalsim buildu by to melo byt v poradku Moc dekuju za opravu, v buildu 2711 se u me uvedena chyba


2016-03-08 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Zdravim, bohuzel se zda, ze nektere uvedene funkce bohuzel v PSPadu aktualne nejsou proveditelne - code-folding - moznost skryvani casti kodu ve vybranych urovnich - neni v zakladni komponente editoru podporovan, zvazuje se myslim pro budouci verze. Do jiste miry lze navigaci v kodu resit pomoci

Re: How to stop forced HEX mode [66961]

2016-04-21 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
zforray: I have a file I want to view with PSPad. Since it contains hex/packed data, PSPad forces HEX mode while Notepad does not and shows viewable text, which is what I want since I don't want to edit it.

Re: Copy + paste from Hex EDIT Mode is not working [67271]

2016-07-26 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Hi, I'm not sure, whether the following is relevant, as I don't really use this feature much, but there are two modes of hexadecimal view in PSPad: via File: Open in Hex editor (Ctrl+Shift+O) you can access directly the file as stored on disc. On the other hand, if you switch a current text

=?windows-1250?Q?Re:_Pr=E1ca_so_s=FAbormi_CSV_-_triedenie_pod=BEa_st=E5pca_a_duplik=E1ty?_[6= 7274]?=

2016-07-27 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Zdravim, napadl me jen dost pracny zpusob s regulernimi vyrazy, bohuzel ale v PSPadu zrejme nefunguje odstraneni duplikatu pri serazeni s omezenim na urcite sloupce. Je to tak zamyslene? bylo by treba predradit retezec, podle ktereho by se melo tridit a sjednotit na zacatky radku a odsadit

Re: Broken Tabbing Shortcuts [67304]

2016-08-17 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Tilanus: Hey there, from time to time I can not jump to the tabs 1-9 via Alt+[Tab number]. I was wondering if this is a glitch of some kind or if I accidentally hit a key combination that disables tabbing shortcuts

Re: Regular expression to replace a string only if is the begin of a line [= 67877]

2017-02-07 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Esgrimidor: I need to replace in an archive with more than 8 lines those that begins with : 12 14 2 "- " "31 " etc replace with a null string but these strings also appears at the end or the middle of

Re: charset problem if i save with pspad [67847]

2017-02-04 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Hi, it is likely, that your other editor is adding byte-order-mark (BOM) at the beginning of the utf-8 file and your browser relies on it to determine the encoding of the page (in absence of the usual meta-tag). You can try the same setting in PSPad - check the respecitve item in settings: [x]

Re: PSPad 5.0 future [67977]

2017-02-20 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
pspad: ... There are groups of code pages containing ANSI, OEM, ISO What I need is some genial idea how to show it to users. ... with possibility to add own code pages it should be enough to cover all needs.


2017-02-17 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Hi, I can confirm some strange behaviour with regard to slash / (solidus) character in the date - time format slash / seems to be replaced with full stop . somehow (even in the preview area of the Date Time Dialog, i.e. if I insert the following into the edit field: mm/dd/ hh:nn:ss the

Re: zvyrazneni aktivniho tabu - podtrzeni [68010]

2017-02-23 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Zdravim, chtel bych podekovat za rychlou opravu podtrhavani aktivniho tabu v buildu 2748; vse opet funguje, s drobnou zmenou - ztencenim cary podtrzeni pod textem tabu - je nazev jeste citelnejsi. Dekuju a zdravim, vbr -- PSPad freeware

Re: Delete a line until find the first point if found [67908]

2017-02-11 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Esgrimidor: I have a file with many lines and phrases. Example of a line : This is a line. This line have two phrases. Not have three. Another line This is the second line. Never give up. I would like a

zvyrazneni aktivniho tabu - podtrzeni [67903]

2017-02-10 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Zdravim, rad bych nahlasil moznou regresi ve funkci zvyrazneni aktivniho tabu podtrzenim - ktere bylo funkcni pri zvlastnim nastaveni: HighlightCurrentFileTab=0 MarkCurrentFileTab=1 Drivejsi zpravy o zavedewni moznosti jsou: http://forum.pspad.com/read.php?1,65712,65716#msg-65716

Re: Default Syntax Highlighting [67710]

2017-01-16 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
pconrad: ... Is there a way to have a default highlighter if there is no mask defined? ... Hi, I believe, you can add * as a general

some bugs in PSPad 5 (prerelease) - compile, (un)comment ... [68050]

2017-03-02 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Hi, thanks for the further improvments of the PSPad 5 version! I'd like to report some problems I just noticed (PSPad 5.00, build 68; win7): === Catching output of the compiled scripts (python in this case) seems to only work for the first call after starting the program. after that it gets

kodovani webove stranky fora - po prihlaseni [67377]

2016-09-28 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Zdravim, doufam, ze se nejedna o "falesny poplach" kvuli chybe v mych nastavenich prohlizecu, ale forum PSPadu se mi ted nejakou dobu zobrazuje se spatnym kodovanim znaku (napr. ceske diakriticke znaky rozlozene kvuli "nepochopenemu" kodovani utf-8: "Diskuzn

Re: kodovani webove stranky fora - po prihlaseni [67393]

2016-10-01 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Diky za rychlou opravu, ona chyba se mi uz taky neprojevuje. vbr -- PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: Náhodná záměna bitů v souboru [67394]

2016-10-01 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
xFenix: Tak cca jednou za dva dny se mi při celodenním používání PSPadu stane, že v uloženém souboru dojde k nějaké záměně bitu nebo něco podobného, prostě místo napříkad tabulátoru (používám reálné tabulátory) a

Re: kodovani webove stranky fora - po prihlaseni [67380]

2016-09-28 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Diky za overeni, pokud se to nevyskytuje nikomu jinemu, bude asi problem v nastavenich nekde u me. Ja vidim spravne kodovani v Opere 12, Firefoxu a IE; spatne pak v nove Opere, Chromu a Otteru, ona chybova hlaska php je ale videt vsude. (nepamatuju si uz ale,kde jsem pripadne nastavil kodovani

Re: Cyrillic character problem with accented characters. [67446]

2016-10-31 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
BrentMartin720: I've been having crashes while editing Cyrillic text. I noticed that certain characters cause problems with my column alignments. The equal signs should be lined up perfectly, but they seem to be off

Re: Cyrillic character problem with accented characters. [67455]

2016-11-04 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Hi, thanks for further information; we will have to wait for the response of PSPad developer regarding combining diacritics, in connection with character counting, column editing etc. In my usage, PSPad generally supports unicode characters in basic multilingual plane (BMP) - characters up to

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (147) English [68331]

2017-03-24 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
mali_zeeko: When I open c/c++ source file larger than 500kB (e.g. sqlite3.c), c/c++ highligter is not applied to code, although status bar shows C/C++.

Re: Key map [68300]

2017-03-22 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Hi, I can confirm the mentioned bug with Direct edit If I open Settings: Program settings... and activate the last pane: Key Map, after clicking on [Direct edit] button, only an empty window for this settings is displayed This doesn't happen after clicking on "Direct edit" from other positions

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (163) English [68450]

2017-03-31 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
crimson: One question. If I open the "Find" dialog, and click off "Whole Word Only", it's doing good and "Whole Word Only" keeps off for next find. But when in such configuration, once I use hot key of "Next

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (133) Cesky [68257]

2017-03-19 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Diky za rychlou opravu, v aktualnim sestaveni 136 skripty funguji. vbr -- PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: zvyrazneni aktivniho tabu - podtrzeni [68246]

2017-03-17 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Moc dekuju za okamzitou opravu, zvyraznovani tabu podtrzenim mi ted funguje spravne i s vybarvenim podle zvyraznovace. vbr -- PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (133) Cesky [68247]

2017-03-17 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Zdravim, moc dekuju za opravy podtrhavani tabu a monitoru schranky aj. Narazil jsem na problem se skriptovanim WSH - v buildu 133 se skripty nenacitaji, menu ma jen polozku rekompilace. Ani se ale nezobrazuje nejake chybove hlaseni. Skripty, ktere v 122 fungovaly, se mezitim nezmenily. Stejne se

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (122) English [68223]

2017-03-15 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Hi, thanks for the update! I just noticed a problem with clipboard monitor and the delete-key. It seems that as soon as the clipboard monitor is activated, it somehow captures this key; it doesn't work in the text editor (itz actually deletes the items in the clipboard monitor, even if the focus

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (136) English [68268]

2017-03-20 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
crimson: Thanks for promptly response. Yes, I am familiar with updating the develop build. I also tried to only replace with the Pspad.exe but got the same incorrect result. I also tried to download 5.0.0 (136) from

Re: zvyrazneni aktivniho tabu - podtrzeni [68238]

2017-03-17 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Chtel bych poprosit, jestli by slo zpristupnit tuto funkci i v PSPadu 5, pokud to neni v nove verzi spojene s nejakymi specifickymi komplikacemi. V buildu 122 se nasledujici nastaveni neprojevuje: MarkCurrentFileTab=1 Je mozne, ze aktualni kod verze 5 je odvozeny z dilci verze po 4.6.2 (2743),

Re: [QUESTION] Batch CP encoding [68532]

2017-04-10 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
pspad: Current version PSPad 5 works by creating parallel folder with '.OUT' extension, containing files with new encoding. I have idea if it wouldn't be better to change it. To create parallel folder, e.g. with .BAK

Re: [QUESTION] Batch CP encoding [68539]

2017-04-10 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
pspad: What i can do quickly is better control description, something like this: ... I must study new CP handling possibilities. It uses some iconv implementation and it's integrated into Delphi. I hope there must be

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (096) English [68146]

2017-03-09 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
pspad: vbr: I notice a similar bug in capturing the compiler output like in the previous version ... Without capturing the output, the

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (116) English [68147]

2017-03-09 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Hi,thanks for enhancing the script dialog in this version! The memory-combobox is realy useful for my scripts, however, there seem to be reduced space for a label. Some of my labels are rather long, with multiple lines, they are trimmed after the first two lines just now. In any case, I like the

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (096) English [68152]

2017-03-09 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
pspad: pspad: vbr: Could the problem with capturing the

Re: Merge text in a txt file [68148]

2017-03-09 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Hi, for such reconstruction, you can partly use "join lines", i.e. replace linebreaks with spaces Edit: Lines manipulation: Join lines Howewer, you will have to edit the text manually afterwards to delete the spaces between characters of some words and also insert linebreaks as needed. hth, vbr

Re: Deleting lines with string [68055]

2017-03-02 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
ssissons: Is there a way to delete all lines in file, that contain a particular string? Without doing a Find w/List, and going through them manually? (It takes a lot of tedious effort to do this with large files.)

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