Re: Unwanted and sudden converting to strange characters [76353]

2021-07-19 Tema obsahu akiuni
Hello, thank you for your answer "very often" means more than two times a day... I don't use FTP, neither code completion. I'm working under Microsoft Windows 10 with a non-administrator user account, to provide UNIX+"UTF-8 no Bom" files. I'm using the 32b version because it "seems" to be

Re: Unwanted and sudden converting to strange characters [76349]

2021-07-19 Tema obsahu akiuni
Hello This bugs is really annoying. I'm using 5.0.7(665), the bug appears very often when closing a file (a tab), My language is Python. Hope you will find a solution very quickly because it's occurig multiple times a day and corrups my scripts, which makes me thinking to change for another

Re: feature : Toggle into comment [75923]

2021-05-27 Tema obsahu akiuni
Great !!! ( I didn't see that menu, sorry ) Many thanks -- PSPad freeware editor

feature : Toggle into comment [75918]

2021-05-27 Tema obsahu akiuni
Hello A little feature that could be nice to have in pspad could be the "Toggle into Comment". As a developper, I often have to select a portion of text (code) in the file, then I navigate to Search, Replace and repalce "^" with "#" in regex mode. What could be nice a short cut to toggle the

Re: Two bugs in 5.0.6(589) [75669]

2021-05-10 Tema obsahu akiuni
Hello I'm sorry for the spam, I've sent the other bugs by email as requeted. If somebody is facing the same problems, I have unsinstalled the 64bit version of PSPad and installed the 32bit version. All the bugs disappeared ! That may be a workaround in the meanwhile. Best regards Julien :-)

Re: Two bugs in 5.0.6(589) [75557]

2021-05-04 Tema obsahu akiuni
yep, another one (same day) : -- Exception description: Access violation at address 00B55B0E in module 'PSPad.exe'. Read of address 017F. Exception class: EAccessViolation Exception address: 00B55B0E

Re: Two bugs in 5.0.6(589) [75552]

2021-05-04 Tema obsahu akiuni
Another Crash : - Exception description: Access violation at address 0052EED9 in module 'PSPad.exe'. Read of address 07E0. Exception class: EAccessViolation Exception address: 0052EED9

Two bugs in 5.0.6(589) [75551]

2021-05-04 Tema obsahu akiuni
Hello First, thank you for that very nice and free program ! I'm facing two frequent bugs with pspad 5.0.6(589) : - Very frequent EAccessViolations - stranges caracters sometimes are added in the files.. Please consider the following informations : - You will find below the latest